13. from a cold shoulder - HyunIn 🔞 (PWP)

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Hyunjin finally had enough of being the good boy, the proper boy, the boy his parents wanted him to be just because they couldn't have a daughter. He has finally given up on the holier than thou act his parents forced onto him and rejected all of their "teachings" and for the first time he lets loose, embraces himself, and goes to a bar... specifically one that he had heard about from one of his best friends, Felix.

On the other end of the bar in a more darkened corner Jeongin sits alone, hoping to be left alone while he sips on his glass of Breckenridge Bourbon... that is... until he sees a new and incredibly gorgeous man walk in with features that can only be carved by the gods... and he wanted to ruin him with every fiber of his being. Everything inside of him wanted to ruin him as soon as possible, and never had he wanted any man as beautiful as him before today, but first... He needed to meet Hyunjin first. A waitress walks past Jeongin on her way from finishing serving another customer when he stops her.

"Excuse me, ma'am..."

"Yes sir, what can I get for you?"

"Sorry no, not for me, the new one... the one that just walked in, the gorgeous one oin white. I want you to do me a favor, I want you to put in an order for a White Russian, then whatever he wants after."

"Anything else?"

"Yes ma'am actually there is a few more things." While keeping his eyes on Hyunjin the entirety of his order he continues " while you're doing this, can you have someone refill my glass? Breckenridge. And all of this send me the bill, I don't want him to see one receipt."

"Yes sir, right away"

"No hurry love, I'm not planning on leaving just yet and he only just arrived."

Not paying mind to the waitress sauntering off to start on what he's asked of her, he keeps his eyes on Hyunjin watching as he looks around... nervously? He continues to watch Hyunjin as the waitress slides over the glass he'd ordered for Hyunjin specifically, and even watches as Hyunjin tried to tell her that he hadn't had a chance to order yet. It's clear to him what the waitress and bartenders are telling him because he lights up in two ways, first his face grows a tint of rose that's very pleasing to see in Jeongin's eyes, but then he also sees him smiling the way his eyes light up in interest as it's clear the bartenders told him that he'd ordered Hyunjin's drink, and as Jeongin stares in cold, stone faced wonder taking in his beauty for all that it is, and for what it could soon be, if he plays his cards right.

Back at the bar, curiosity stirs in Hyunjin's gut and he wants to know who exactly had bought him the drink, firstly it couldn't have been someone old or gross because they'd probably send him the stereotypical wine glass or the even worse, mojito or Long Island iced tea and it couldn't have been a woman, because... well... a high emd place like this the only women that are here are married and with their husbands. Looking around, Hyunjin's eyes dark lastly to the corner where he sees someone, maybe close to his age maybe younger, and so very cold faced, so handsome. Something about him Hyunjin didn't want to look away.

Hyunjin continues to sitnamd stare back at Jeongin who's staring at him, both staring at each other in interest, neither one moving. Taking the last sip of his drink, Hyunjin turns around ordering his own, another bourbon, Weller full proof. Upturning the glass for courage he also for one more before finally sucking down his virginal gay ego to go approach Jeongin in that dark corner.

"So... you're the 'very attractive man' who bought me the first drink."

"That depends..."

"On what?"

"If you'll stay by my side for the night." Jeongin watches as his face lights up with a rosy effect as he stammers for the right words to say.

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