20). Anika

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Aree yaar…when will these exams end? I'm tired. I'm sleep deprived and I'm also on my periods. Which in turn are making me moody.

Damn it.

Everything is going off track. And I still haven't managed to find a good enough place for opening my Academy. My life is spiraling. The only happy and peaceful time of my day is those little breaks, Zane makes me take and then helps me divert my mind. In those stolen moments, he makes me laugh, motivates me and most importantly, makes me love life a little bit more. 

With each passing day, he is making more and more place for himself in my heart and in my life. I'm starting to have some really strong feelings for him. Just talking to him heals me. Whatever problems or concerned thoughts I get, resolves just by talking to him. I don't know what is happening to me.

We haven't managed to meet again after that beautiful first date. Yes, we are calling it a date. And it was the best first date anyone can ever have. But after that date, we got so busy with our schedules. Between me preparing for my exams and him shooting, we just couldn't take the time off suitable for both of us. 

I just have my two exams left. After they are done, I would leave for India the very next week. Sometimes I think that we shouldn't have met that day.

Before meeting him in person, I was fine. Yes, we were always either texting or on call. At times it almost seemed like a dream. But now that I've seen him in real, I want to be near him again. 

I crave his touch, his smell, the way he felt pressed up against me. All these feelings are making me crazy. I almost feel like some other person.

I was never like those girls who needs someone to hold them while watching sappy romantic movies or comfort them when they are going through some difficult time in their life. 

I was fine on my own. Now I need his touch, his playful teasing, his real smile. Everything.

I won't be able to study now. My whole focus is stolen. I put my hair in a bun and secured it with a pencil. I was about to get up from the chair when the bell rang. 

I got up and went to the front door and opened without checking the peephole thinking it must be the pizza delivery guy.

But instead of the pizza guy, I found myself gazing into ocean blue orbs, standing with said pizza box.

“Pizza delivery, mam.” Zane said in a teasing voice.

“I…what?...how?...” He stammered.

He laughed and said, “I was on my way to your apartment when I found the pizza guy about to ring your door. I paid him and sent him on his way. Now…can I come in, firefly?”

I realised that I forgot to invite him in. 

“Yeah, yeah. Of course.” 

I stepped aside and let him come. I was just thinking about him and he is here. I can't believe he is here.

I took the pizza from him and thanked him for paying for it. I tried to give him the money but he totally refused.

“You know, if you really want to pay me back, you can make your special tea for me.” He said smiling.

Ayla is the one who told that I'm responsible for her switching from coffee to tea. Four days ago, we were sitting in the living room and drinking our morning tea when Zane facetimed. He asked, what I was doing? And she jumped in between the conversation and told him a lot about the chaii we were having. She also told him the medicinal benefits of drinking chai. I had to cut the call to make her stop rambling about chai.

I realised that I'm not the only one thinking about that day. I saw that Zane was also trying his best to stop himself from bursting into laughter. 

I chuckled at his expressions. 

“Yeah, sure.” 

I went to the kitchen, swich on the gas and started to put the ingredients into vessel. I was putting cardamom into the water when Zane came into the kitchen. 

“I want to see the magic happening.” 

I smiled and said, “Sure, why not?” 

And putting milk accordingly, I confessed. 

“You know, I was thinking about you just before you came.”

My cheeks got heated and I know that they've gotten all red.

“Your heart was calling mine. I got free from the shoot early today and I remembered that you were not feeling good because of your…menses today. So, I bought these for you.”

He snaked out four large chocolates from the inside of his jacket. 

I was shocked and a little bit embarrassed too. 

I took the chocolates and asked in a wobbly voice, “you… b-bought these for m-me?”

“Yes, I read that in periods, girls crave for chocolates.” He said with a sheepish smile.

“Thank you Zane. Thank you so much.”

I got so overwhelmed that I went around the counter and hugged him. Tightly. 

He was so shocked that for a moment he froze but as soon as the shock passed, he hugged me just as tightly. 

“If I knew that bringing some chocolates would get me a hug from you then I would've done this sooner.” He teased.

It's not just about some chocolates. It's about the efforts he takes for making me feel happy and comfortable.

I didn't explain what I am feeling right now because even if I tried, I could never explain this turmoil of emotions going inside me in words.

Instead I said, "I wish I could stay like this forever."

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