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When we went on our first date, official or unofficial doesn't matter, the point is, I thought that it was the best date ever and nothing and I repeat nothing can surpass that experience but of course Zane proved me wrong again. 

Today was even better. Although, I can't really compare the two dates because the first one was the most magical, starry night experience whereas today was filled with beautiful flowers, sunshine and most of all trust. 

He gave me a piece of him, shared his pain of losing his best friend and even though my heart was breaking for the devastation he was still going through, I was happy that he willingly shared that part of him with me. And because of that, the fact that he trusted me and showed me his pain, I wanna share my own secrets with him. Not because I feel like I owe him something but because I trust him and want him to know the fucked up situation of mine. 

Mumma always says, ‘Whatever happens in our life, happens for a reason.’ 

I did not really believe in it, but I'm starting to. 

For the whole ride back to his apartment, I was thinking about what Anya told me in the restroom.

“Hey, don't take what Sid said seriously. He's an idiot. Half of what he says is pure crap.” I tried to assure her.

“And half is not. I know he wasn't trying to be rude. I know he'll never knowingly hurt me. It's just…” She drifted off. I'm sure she's thinking whether she can share that part with me or not. 

She looks at me with unshed tears and I put one hand on her shoulder and squeeze lightly to indicate that she can trust me.

“Please don't tell him this but he is the only one in my family who really cares about me. Even though I have a best friend who loves me to death. It's not the same as having a loving family. And knowing that he just used  my words, which I told him in confidence, against me, hurts. My parents don't give a fuck about me. Even my twin sister, who's supposed to protect me and love me unconditionally, hates me. It hurts. It really hurts, Ika.” Then she starts sobbing. 

And it broke my heart seeing her like this. At that moment, I understood that it's not his words that hurted her, it's the fact that he said her secret out loud in front of a stranger. 

I hugged her tightly and tried to calm her down. 

Although we've just met today, it feels like I've known her my whole life and it guts me to see this beautiful girl break down like this. 

After a while, she finally calmed down, then she washed her face and reapplied her red lipstick. There's no denying that she looks really beautiful even with puffy eyes and a red face. 

“Enough about my sad life, you tell me, do you still dance?” She asked clearly, wanting to divert the topic, which I gladly took. 

“Yeah, I do. Sid must've told you.” I can't explain the whole picture right now. 

“He not only told me, he showed me the videos to prove that you dance like an angel. And you do. That's why I have a proposition for you. You see, when I was little I used to go to a dance academy and had only stopped some years ago because of some personal reasons. The thing is I've always had a special bond with my ‘gurumaa’, my dance teacher and owe her so much for teaching me so many life lessons apart from dance.” A beautiful smile crept up on her angelic face. She was definitely relieving those moments.

“There's a dance competition, after two months and my gurumaa’s main candidate got injured while practicing a week ago. She's been searching for someone to replace her since then. And she wants someone Indian, since the dance form is Semi classical. She asked me to inform her if I know someone who can perform. And I think you'll be the best person for that.”

What? Me? In a dance competition?

“I don't know, Anya. I mean, I definitely need more details about this and who your gurumaa is. Also, how big is this dance competition thing?” I ask her in a haste. My mind is in absolute chaos.

“Of course you need to think about this. I'll text you everything. Just…think about this. This can change your whole future. I know you're in law school and trying to become a lawyer but I also know that you've always wanted to become a dancer and open your own Academy. So, think it through.” She says in understanding. 

Sid definitely shared a lot of information about me. I didn't correct her about the lawyer thing. I'll tell her later. We exchanged numbers and then went outside before the guys decided to join us here.

I heard the ping of the elevator and noticed that we've come to Zane's apartment. 

We entered inside and I went straight towards the couch in the living room and plopped down. Zane looked at me in confusion and came to sit beside me. He removed his fake beard and mustache and threw it on the center table. 

I moved towards him a little and said, “I wanna tell you something, Z.”

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