34). Zane

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Five years ago 

“Mickky! My man.” I said while hugging my childhood best friend. 

It feels nice to be here after so long. 

“Hey man. I thought I'd have to drag your ass all the way from San Francisco, to make you come home for Christmas.” He said, grinning.

I'm standing in the living room of Michael's family home, where his parents live alone now that he's moved out. But he also always spends his holidays with them. And it's Christmas in a few days, so here he is.

Me, on the other hand, haven't spent a single festival with my parents since I've moved to San Francisco. It's not because they're horrible, they are not. They are not your usual overly protective and loving kinda people but they are also not abusive and suffocating kind. They are just…too understanding, if that's even a thing. They always just agree to whatever I say. Like when I was little and I wanted too many toys, they just said, ‘go ahead, buy anything you want’ or when I punched a kid in school because he was bullying Micheal, they just said, too casually without even looking up from their laptops, ‘I’m sure you've had your reasons’. They didn't even ask what he did,  whether I was okay or whether that kid hit me back, which he did and it hurt like a bitch, but they never asked and as always I never offered. 

The only people who ever showed any interest in my life were Michael and his parents. 

I met him in school. We studied in the same class. One day, my parents forgot to pick me up from school and let me tell you, as a kid…it felt horrible. That was the day that I truly realized that my parents don't care that much about me. The whole school was almost empty and I was trying my best to stop the tears that were threatening to break free. That's when I noticed that another kid was lingering behind me. When I turned in his direction he looked at me with a sad smile and said, ‘I guess I'm not the only one whose parents forgot about him, huh?’ Then he came forward, introduced himself and we went home together and realized that we didn't live that far away from each other. 

After that day, we were inseparable. I even told my parents to not pick me up anymore because I've got company from someone, who was actually interested in hearing my thoughts and dreams. As usual they said they were happy that I made a friend. 

Anyways, it was some years back when I got to know that Michael's mom never forgot to pick him up from school that day. Apparently, she came but he told her about me being alone and he didn't want his mom to accompany us because that would make me feel like they were pitying me and doing this out of pity too. So, yeah that made me realize how much that guy has done for me. He not only gave me his loyalty, his friendship but also his family. I'm much closer to his parents than my own. 

That is why, when they asked me to come for Christmas I just couldn't say no to them.

I came here to pick Michael for boy’s night. We are going to the bar downtown for drinks and then we'll go to our favorite restaurant for dinner. It will be exactly like old times. I'm really excited for tonight. 

“Zane, my boy. Look at you sweetheart.” Said a sweet, motherly voice. 

I looked over Michael's shoulder and found Martha, his mom, coming towards me. 

“Hey beautiful. You look gorgeous as always, Martha.” I said and took her in a bear hug. Then I started to spin her, like I always used to. 

“Oh! Zane! Stop!” I chuckled and put her down. “You haven't changed one bit. Still goofy as always, I see.” 

“I'm afraid that's never gonna change, sweetheart. I thought you would've gotten used to this, till now.” I said while wagging my eyebrows.

She laughed a little and started to say something but then a rough voice came from the outside, “Is someone here, honey? There's a car outside.” 

Ethan, his dad, said while coming inside carrying some groceries. And then he noticed me and his smile grew in size. 

This is the man who taught me how to defend yourself, how to play football, how to repair a puncture tire. Every single thing that my dad was supposed to teach me, this man taught me that. 

“Hey, how's my favorite hero?” And then he hugged me. 

It felt like coming home.

“Oh Ethan, everyone knows your favorite actor is Johnny Depp.” I teased. 

“Well, you're definitely next after him.” He said.

“Still Jack Sparrow’s your favorite, I guess?” 

“Captain…Jack sparrow.” He corrected.

“My apologies. Captain… Jack Sparrow.” I grinned.

“You boys going out somewhere?” He asked us.

“Yes dad and we're getting late. C’mon, Z. Let's go, otherwise they'll keep you here all night with their talks and questions about San Francisco.” Michael said.

“Well, I don't mind answering their questions.” But then I noticed Michael's silent death glare and said quickly, “but…those questions have to wait until tomorrow.” 

“See you guys later.” Michael said.

“Yeah, see you. Later, guys.” And then we were out the door.

Only if I knew that it was the last time, I was being this happy and comfortable with them, I would've canceled our plans altogether.

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