30). Zane

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I don't think I've ever hated anyone as much as I hate this Sid guy. He keeps touching my girl and also what's with this nickname ‘munchkin’. She is not a fucking kid. 

After telling them about how me and Ika met, how everything started, Sid’s cousin, Anya decided that we should all go for dinner. So, here we are. In the far end booth at a cozy and beautiful restaurant.

I only agreed because Ika said that she was starving. She was sitting with me while the cousins were situated across from us. 

Sid was talking about how shocked he is that Ika is dating. 

“I always thought that you'll marry whoever your parents and of course that overprotective brother of yours, will find it suitable for you. Anyways, do they know?” He said and stuffed his mouth with food.

“Of course not. And they shouldn't, until I tell them. Got it?” The warning is clear. 

“I'm not gonna betray you, Ika. I'm hurt, you know me better than that.” He put a hand over his heart and feigned hurt.

“She knows you, that's why she's saying this.” Anya said with a smirk.

“There's no more value of good guys like me anymore. Such a cruel world.” He said faking hurt.

Ab bas bhi karo apni dramebaazi.” Ika said in Hindi. 

I was about to ask her what it meant when she turned towards me and whispered, “I'm telling him to stop his overacting.” 

I smiled and whispered back, “Thanks for telling me, firefly.” 

“Aww…look at you being an amazing girlfriend, Ika. No doubt why he's so entranced with you.” Anya said.

“I'm…not…we're not…” Ika stammered.

“You are absolutely correct. She is amazing.” I said and kissed her on her temple.

As I thought, she turned all red.

“Look Sid, they look so cute together. Learn something from Zane. Then, maybe you would be able to find someone as good as Ika.” 

“You should focus on yourself more, sis. Maybe then, you would be able to have the attention of the guy you've always been in love with.” As if now only realizing what he really said, he put a hand over his mouth and said, “Shit! Anu, I…didn't mean…this.” 

Anya was looking like she was trying her best to hold her tears.

Ika stood up and went to her and said, “I've to use the restroom, will you come with me, please?” 

She smiled a little and nodded.

After they were gone, Sid said, “God! I'm such an idiot. I hurt her again. I'm an awful brother.” 

Now, don't take it wrong, I still don't like him but right now I can feel his frustration. He clearly didn't mean to hurt her. 

I sighed. “Hey Sid, it's okay, dude. Just apologize to her. I'm sure she'll forgive you. She doesn't look like someone who holds grudges.”

“She doesn't. She is the sweetest girl with the most horrible parents. She already deals with so many comments and criticism. I shouldn't have said that. That's a touchy subject for her. She is my little sister. I should solve her problems and increase them.” 

He looks devastated. I was about to say something more but just then the girls came back. 

Ika settled down beside me and Anya took her place beside Sid again. She clearly looked like she was crying. Her eyes are all red and swollen. 

I looked at Ika and she assured me with her nod that she was fine now.

Sid took Anya's hand in his hand and said, “I'm so damn sorry Anu. I'm an asshole. Please forgive your stupid brother. Please. I promise, I'll never do this again.” He looked really torn.

“It's fine. Just don't do this again. And I'm not in love, it was just a stupid crush. I don't wanna talk about this.” Anya said.

“Whatever you say, sis. I really am sorry.” Sid said.

After that the dinner went smoothly. Anya and Ika were looking more comfortable and close with each other now. 

Sid’s parents died in an accident when he was only five years old. So, his grandparents took him to India with them. But now he is coming back to the U.S  to take over his late father's company, which Anya's father was handling till now. 

Maybe because now I got to know about him and that he only has brotherly feelings for Ika, but I don't hate him anymore. We even exchanged our numbers.

After dinner they went home and we came back to my apartment. It was an interesting day. 

As soon as we entered the apartment, I realized that we were alone. Again. 

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