23). Zane

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"So, what did you expect would happen, huh? I can't talk to you all the time ” I asked him in frustration.

He sighed and said, “I miss my best friend, Zane. You are not him. You changed completely. You became like one of those snobby rich people, who just care about themselves.”

“I am still the same guy who went to L.A. to achieve his fucking dreams. Out of all the people, you know better about all the struggles I went through, to reach here. And now everyone knows who ‘Zane Sterling’ is. I made it happen. And you should be happy for me. You have always been my number one fan.”

I hate fighting with him. I knew something was wrong. Everytime we talked on the phone, I could feel the distance expanding between us. He is my best fucking friend in the world. 

“I am happy for you. You know, when you told me that you got selected for the role of Anthony Stewart. I was fucking ecstatic. I was sooo happy that I traveled 400 miles via road, just to congratulate you. I got so tired, but it was all worth it. Because you, my best friend, was really happy to see me. But today, it felt like…like I was not even there. You got so immersed with those fans of yours, that you forgot about me. And trust me, today was not the first time this happened.”

I could understand what he was saying. Since my movies started getting hit, I've barely talked with him. Hell…I'm barely talking with my parents and my little brother. And I know, I should've told him that this won't happen again and that we'll solve our issues and become exactly how we were, when we were kids. 

But instead I said, “You are not jealous of my fame are you?”

Only after I said that, did I realize the impact of those words. We shouldn't be having this conversation while I'm driving. But I guess, it's too late now.

“You think I'm jealous of you? Seriously? I've always been there for you, Zane. Through thick and thin, in bad and in good. And you think five years of fame can diminish years of friendship?” 

Of course I don't think that. But did I tell him that? No.

He took off his seat belt and in a low voice said, “Pull over, Zane. I can't be here with you anymore, otherwise I might kill you for saying those words to me.”

“I'm not pulling over. We are in the middle of nowhere. You won't be able to find a ride back home. Moreover, our conversation is not over. I'm sorry for sugge…”

He cut me off and shouted at me, “ Sorry? You think your sorry can fix everything? I hate that you think so low of me. I hate that your fame is more important for you than your best friend. I fucking hate you. Period.” 

I stopped the car immediately at his words. This is the first time I've ever seen him so angry. It felt like he might explode with the way he was trembling. I wanted to apologise to him and ask for his forgiveness. But before I could say anything the worst happened and everything went black.

I woke up drenched in sweat. My breathing was heavy and my hands were trembling. My eyes were wet.

I pushed my hands through my hair. 

Fuck! Again the same dream. 

I wish I could go back in time and change everything about that goddamn night.

I checked the time. It was five in the morning. Great. I have to be at the set in two hours. 

I made my bed, brushed my teeth, took a shower, made myself an omelet and some healthy green smoothie. 

It was almost time to leave for the set. I checked my phone messages and found one from Travis.

Travis: Can you bring a coffee for me, baby? Aww, thanks. You are the best.

I chuckled. This little shit.

Me: I'm not your baby. And get your own fucking coffee. 

His reply came back immediately.

Travis: ‘shocked emoji’ I'm hurt.

Me: ‘rolling eyes emoji’ Whatever Hart.

And several others from Anika.

Firefly: I am misssinggg you, my hero.

Firefly: We are partying. We have wine, chips, pizza and old Bollywood movies. 

Firefly: You are not allowed. It's girls nightout. Wait…we are inside our apartment, so it should be night-in. Right?

Firefly: Let me ask Ayla and Sasha.

After two minutes she replied with..

Firefly: They agree with me. Do you know I'll never have to bear with Mrs. Rothschild now. Guess whyyyy??????

Wow…she was drunk. I'm sure she must be regretting that now. I chuckle.

Firefly: Because, I quit. And also I'm going to India for atleast two weeks after… Wait, let me count.

Why the hell is there no reply after that. When is leaving for India?

I called her immediately and after five rings when she finally picked up I asked her, "When are you leaving for India?"

"How- how did you know?" She asked in confusion.

"Just tell me when, Ika?" I asked her again.

"Um...in four days. Why?"

I took a deep breath. Four days is a good enough time.

"Would you like to spend those four days with me, firefly?" I asked her.

One thing is for sure, I'm not letting her leave before confessing my feelings for her.


Till Forever Falls ApartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora