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“Wow… it really is tasty. It has this overpowering taste which I guess gets people to hook onto it. Now, I know why Ayla switched from coffee to chai.”

Then I looked at Ika and asked. “Did I pronounce it correctly?”

She chuckled and said, “You did."

I pumped my fist in the air and said, “Yes.” 

She grinned and shook her head at my goofiness.

After finishing our chai and pizza, which was a decent combination, I said, “Well…I guess…I should leave now. And you need to get back to your studies.”

Her face fell and she said in a small voice, “Yeah. You're right.” 

Then she smiled and said, “Thanks for all of this. I'll see you next week, I guess.”

For this whole week my schedule is tight. And even next week it's going to be a little difficult, to take some time out and come here but I'm not going to tell her this and crush her hope. Because quite frankly, I don't wanna imagine a scenario where I'll have to go without seeing her for more than a week. I'll somehow make it work. 

“Yes, sweetheart. But first you have to stop saying ‘thank you’ to me everytime I do something for you.”

She scrunched her nose and asked, “What's wrong with appreciating your efforts and telling you what it really means to me?" 

“If you wanna appreciate my efforts all you have to do is smile, laugh or hug me like you did in the kitchen.” I teased.

When she suddenly launched herself at me I was so shocked that it took me sometime to process what was really happening. But after that moment passed I most definitely loved holding her so close to me.

“Well…in that case.” 

And then she was in my arms again. I chuckled and engulfed her. She fits so nicely that it feels as if she was made to be in my arms. Maybe watching these romantic Bollywood movies with her has started turning me into one or maybe I already was one. 

We were sitting on the couch in the living room. She lifted her head and looked at me with her beautiful honey coloured eyes. I slowly tucked her hair behind her ears which got free. 

I heard someone's heart beating so loudly that I could hear it clearly. Then, I realized that it was mine. My heart was pounding crazily in my chest. I looked at her plump, very kissable lips. I know that she has never been kissed and that's making me nervous. 

My fingers touched her neck then slowly started to go towards her jaw and goosebumps started to break out on her skin. She was breathing just as heavily as I was. 

“I really want to kiss you, sweetheart.” I whispered.

“Then why don't you?” She replied in a sexy, husky voice.

“Because once I kiss you, you're going to be mine.” 

I know that we've known each other for only two months and there's a lot of things we don't know about each other and that is the only reason I'm holding back because once I kiss her, there would be no holding back. She'll be mine. For forever. And she needs to understand that I won't give up on us, no matter what happens. 

“And I need to tell you something before you decide, whether you want to be mine or not?” I told her. 

Before she could say anything, the front door opened and Ayla came inside complaining about some drunk guy she got problems with today at her work.

We broke apart quickly and I felt like a teenager again who sneaked his first in his home and was about to be caught.

“I'm telling you, if Rick hadn't stopped me and I wasn't scared about losing my job, I would've throat punched that guy. Why the hell can't take no for an answer anyway? Fucking assholes.”

“Not all guys are like that, Ayla. Some guys are just douchebags.” I said, amused by her ranting.

She looked up from her phone where she was typing something furiously. 

“Oh, hi Zane, I didn't notice you there.” She said.

“Well…you had a bad day today, so I forgive you.” I said sweetly.

“Well, thank you, your highness. Without your forgiveness I don't know how I would've functioned.” Then she swiped fake tears from her eyes.

Ika cracked up and started laughing and seeing her like this, I started laughing too and then Ayla joined in. 

After calming down, I got up and said, “Well I should leave now. I have an early shoot tomorrow.”

I took Ika’s face in my hands and then kissed her forehead. 

“We’ll finish our conversation later. Bye, firefly.”

She nodded and then I said goodbye to Ayla and left her apartment. 

One thing is confirmed though, as soon as her exams end I'm going to tell her everything about my past and hopefully make her mine, for forever.

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