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"So you're telling me that she took birth 108 times and in each of them she focused on Shiva, to be with him.” I asked, Ika with wide eyes.

“Yes. Goddess Parvati went through the birth and re-birth cycle a total of 108 times until Lord Shiva took notice of her single minded dedication and agreed to marry her. When she was born as Sati, she impressed Shiva with her sheer dedication to him and they got married despite Sati’s father, Daksh’s dislike to Shiv Ji.”

“Then why did she take rebirth after this? I mean she already got his love. Did she die?” I gasped. I am so into this story. 

“Unfortunately, yes. According to the most popular narrative, Daksha organized a yajna (sacrifice) to which all the deities, except Sati and Shiva, were invited. Wanting to visit her relatives, Sati sought to rationalize this omission and reasoned that as family, such formality was unnecessary. Shiva tried to stop her as he knew that Daksha would humiliate her, but when she was not convinced, he sent her with his gana attendants. Sati was received by her mother and her sisters, but Daksha was furious by her uninvited arrival and humiliated her and mocked Shiva. Wanting to break all ties with her father and uphold the honour of her husband, Sati self-immolated.” She explained.

“Oh fuck. How did her husband react to this? Please tell me he killed that asshole of a father and avenged her death.” 

She chuckled and said, “Someone’s getting impatient.” 

“Oh you have no idea. Please finish the story, sweetheart.” I told her. 

I just want to know what happened after that. 

“Deeply hurt by the death of his wife, Shiva performed the destructive Tandava dance. He created two ferocious deities — Virabhadra and Bhadrakali, who wrecked mayhem at the sacrificial place. Nearly all those present were felled overnight; Daksha was decapitated by Virabhadra. After that night, Shiva, who is considered the all-forgiving, restored the slain to life and granted them his blessings. Daksha was restored both to life and to kingship. His severed head was substituted with that of a goat.”

“Holy shit.”

“A depressed Shiva returned to his ascetic world and started meditating while Sati was reborn as Parvati. Consequently, Parvati like Sati, won Shiva over by her penance and married him. It was as Parvati that she realised herself as Aadishakti, the other half of Shiva.” She finished.

“Wow…that's just crazy. She took 108 births to find his love. He waited for yearrrrsss for her to be born again. In the mean time, he never looked at another woman. That's such a crazy love story. It's way better than that five day love story of Romeo and Juliet, atleast.” 

I don't know what to feel right now. It feels surreal that this kind of love exists. I looked at her and got lost in her eyes. She was saying something but all I could think of was how beautiful she is. 

“See…I knew you'd like this. And this is why they are my ideal jodi. Their love is like ‘Till Forever Falls Apart’ type.” She said.

“Till forever falls apart, I agree.” I notice the time and see that it's almost midnight.

“We should go to sleep, it's late. Come, I'll show you the guest bedroom.”

I took her hand and showed her the room. As much as I want her to sleep in my arms, I want her to be comfortable too. 

“If you need anything, I'm in the room across the hall.” 

Then I kissed her forehead. Her breath hitched. Somehow, I took steps back from her and said, “Good night, firefly.”

She smiled and replied with a sweet, “Goodnight, Zane.”


“Michael, can you hear me? Answer me, please?” I whimpered.

I'm stuck. I can't see anything clearly. It's all blurry. 

“I know that you're upset with me, bud. But this is not the time to tease me. Please tell me that you're okay.”

No answer. It's not like Michael, to not answer anything. 

I try to look at him but my neck is not letting me. 

After what feels like hours of trying with no result, I feel myself going back towards the darkness.

I woke up startled. I'm breathing heavily. 

I went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. It was seven in the morning. I went into the kitchen and was greeted with the most beautiful sight, ever possible. 

Ika was making breakfast and also her special tea, all while moving her hips with the rhythm of the music.

"Good morning, firefly." I said.

She was startled by my voice and said in a sheepish voice, "Umm...hey, good morning. I hope you don't mind, I made breakfast for us."

I went towards her and kissed her on her forehead.

"I don't mind at all, sweetheart. I see you made scrambled eggs with toast and also your special tea. Thank you so much, beautiful."

"You loved it the last time I made it. So, yeah."

We settled on our chairs in the kitchen. After finishing our breakfast in silence, I told her to get ready because we're going out.

She looked so excited that I chuckled.

I'll make sure that these three days are best days of her life.

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