28). Zane

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For our first date, I took her to a planetarium. Why? Because I know how much she loves the moon, stars, constellations and everything else about the universe.

I kind of knew that beating that beautiful first experience would be difficult but not impossible.

So, I asked myself, what are the other things that Ika loves?

And I got the answer for our next date?

"Oh my god, Zane. These flowers are so beautiful."

Yes, you guessed it right. Flowers and gardens.

She was not always this much in love with flowers, but since she lives with Ayla who's studying botany and talks a big deal about plants, she got interested in them too.

And...a little bit also because I bring her flowers whenever we meet.

Hey! I'm not just saying that. She told me this herself.

So yes, I brought her here, to Golden gate park. Golden Gate Park is a true urban oasis, surrounded by the bustling city of San Francisco. It's a peaceful escape from city life, offering a perfect blend of natural beauty, history, and art.

From scenic gardens and lakes to historic museums, Golden Gate Park is a romantic getaway.

I wanted to go somewhere where there'll be no hustle and no one will disturb us. And looking at her serene, beautiful and peaceful smile, I could confidently say that I succeeded.

"Zane, look." She pointed her fingers at a place where couples are painting something with each other on a canvas.

"Let's make something to remember this day." She said.

"As you wish, firefly."

We bought two small 3 × 3 dimensions canvas and some colors. Then settled in the gardens.

"Okay, so what do you want to paint?" I asked her.

She thought for a few minutes then said, "Oh, I know. Z...just do what I'm doing."

My eyes widened a little and my mouth parted. Whether with shock or surprise. I don't know. She's still saying something and signing animatedly but I'm not hearing anything.

Z...there was only one person who called me that. And that person is dead. Because of me.

"Hello, earth to Z... where did you go? What happened? Are you okay?"

I snapped out of my trance and noticed her sitting on her haunches in front of me, worry gnawing on her face.

"Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" She whispered nervously.

"No, not at all. It's just you called me Z instead of Zane. I was just a little shocked." I tried to assure her but she was not convinced.

I huffed out a breath, took her hands in mine and said, "Umm...my childhood friend, my best friend Michael, used to call me Z. I didn't like it. That's why he made it his mission to call me that only. With time, I started loving that nickname. But only he was allowed. No one else called me that."

I looked away from her and started remembering the day when he punched a guy in our school because was making fun of me.

"I called him Mickky. And though he said, he loved that name. I knew he hated it too. Just like I hated Z at first." I looked at her again and said, "He died five years ago and since then you are the first person who's called me by that name." I explained to her.

"Fuck, I'm sorry, Zane. I didn't know. I'm so sorry. I'll not call you by that name again, I promise." She said with eyes filled with unshed tears.

God, this woman was hurting for me. She doesn't know that I was the reason why he was dead. I don't deserve her goodness.

"It's okay, firefly. I actually want you to call me, Z. It sounds more intimate than Zane. It sounds...beautiful in your voice." I touched my forehead with hers.

"You sure?" She whispered.

"Yes, baby."


I kissed her forehead and then proceeded to paint those canvases. Eventually, the vibes turned happy again.

Firstly, we both painted our canvas in lavender. Then, we applied a little on each of our thumbs. She used olive green, her favorite and I used ocean blue, again her favorite color of mine, which is my favorite too now.

We stick both of our thumb imprints, side by side on the canvases. Then, she made eyes and hands on those imprints, holding hands. I did the same in mine. At last, she made a little heart in between those two little ones.

I raised my eyebrow in question and she just shyly shrugged.

I chuckled and did the same on my canvas.

After those cute moments, we strolled a little bit and had some street side food, rented cycles and raced with each other. She somehow won. But I'm not complaining because I got to see her happy dance and excitement.

And before we knew the whole day was over. The sun was almost set. We talked a lot about our families, cultures and festivals.

We are right taking a stroll along the serene waters of Stow lake, hand in hand.

Suddenly, I tugged at her hand and pulled her towards me.

She fitted so perfectly against me, like two pieces of a puzzle.

"Did you enjoy it today, firefly?" I asked her.

"I did. It was amazing. You are amazing. Thank you so much, Z."

"Did I tell you how beautiful you are, today?" I asked teasingly.

"You did, but I don't mind hearing it again." She grinned.

"You are stunning. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen, firefly." I said in all seriousness.

Her lips parted and her eyes filled so much adoration for me.

"Oh, Zane!" She whispered.

Then she lifted herself on her toes and kissed first my left cheek, then right cheek, my forehead, my nose and made her way towards my lips. She kissed my jaw then cupped my head in her hands and my heartbeat grew fast. Just as she was about to kiss me, someone called her name.


We broke apart and I noticed a guy about my age with a girl, about Ika's age, coming our way.

"Sid?" I heard Ika saying.

I looked at her. She knows this guy? Who is he to her?

He came running and hugged her tightly. I clenched my jaw.

I did not like this. I hate seeing her in someone else's arms. Specifically another man's arms.

Till Forever Falls ApartOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara