My husband?

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 I gazed out at the beach, the scent in the air evoking a sense of familiarity and comfort. Where had she disappeared to? I scanned the area, convinced she couldn't have vanished so quickly. Everything was bewildering, a multitude of questions crowding my thoughts. 

Suddenly, I felt a strange sensation, an itch in my mind, like a ghostly presence. I teleported to the source of that feeling, which led me to the rooftop of a nearby building. There, I discovered someone lying unconscious. It was a little girl, Padma, the daughter of Saraswathi. How had she ended up here, and what was she doing in this place? 

Gently, I attempted to wake her, but she remained unresponsive. I lifted her, a surge of concern washing over me. Unsure whether I could safely teleport with a normal human being, I hesitated. Should I take her to the hospital, or would it be safer to transport her back to her home? She appeared to be breathing normally, and I couldn't detect any visible injuries. She seemed physically fine.

 Yet, there was something peculiar about her. I could sense it—the presence of an unusual mark. It was the same mark left by the old ghost, the spirit that had been targeting her. Why had it left her here, and where had it gone? 

 It was clear that Padma had not suffered much from the teleportation. With these thoughts in mind, I decided to teleport her back to her home. I spotted the man with long hair, the same one who had gone out with Saraswathi that day. Beside him stood KK, alongside a woman. What was KK doing here? Their gazes were locked onto me, their expressions seemingly filled with astonishment. The woman standing next to KK gently took the girl from my arms and placed her on the sofa. I stood there, lost for words, unsure of how to react. 

 "Where did you find her?" KK inquired, concern evident in his voice. 

"Where is her mother?" I replied, my voice tinged with worry.

 "Her mother is out searching for her," another woman's voice chimed in. I turned to see a figure standing near the bedroom door, and to my astonishment, it was Antara. I couldn't comprehend what was happening. How had she ended up here? 

 "I'll call Sara," the long-haired man said, excusing himself to make the call. Antara approached me. 

"How?" I managed to utter. 

 "I returned nearly 7 or 8 years ago," she explained. I was at a loss for words. Why hadn't she come to see me during all these years? Antara seemed to sense my unspoken question.

 "You must be wondering why I didn't visit you in all these years, right?" She asked.

 I remained silent, my attention still fixated on the little girl. Antara continued, "The truth is, there's much more you need to discover. A significant part of your life is missing, and you'll come to realize it sooner or later." 

 I let out a deep sigh and explained, "An old spirit marked her. I could sense it. When I went to investigate, I found her unconscious, lying on the rooftop of a peculiar building." 


 My phone rang, and I quickly pulled over to answer the call. It was Krish. "She's here. Dev has found her," he exclaimed. 

 "What?" I needed to confirm.

 "Dev brought her back home. You should come back," Krish repeated.

 I teleported to my home and stepped into the hall, where I saw Dev standing with Antara. My daughter was lying unconscious on the sofa. I rushed to her side, panic welling up within me. "Where did you find her?" I demanded, turning to face Dev. 

After Life:  Sara & Padma's Journey After DepartureWhere stories live. Discover now