You are the only one

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 "Sara, it's time," Dev called out.

 "Okay," I nodded in response. 

 "Padma, it's time to take some rest," I gently urged.

 "Can we play a little longer?" Padma pleaded. 

 "I'm sorry, baby. We'll play next time, I promise. How about biscuits next time?" I offered.

 "Okay," she replied, her voice sounding a bit disheartened. I sighed softly. Dev lifted Padma into his arms. 

 "Let's go," he said and headed to the bedroom. I kissed her forehead before she drifted off. Dev covered her with the blanket and planted a tender kiss on her forehead, lulling her into a deep sleep. He looked at me, and I nervously asked, "Upstairs?" 

 He nodded, and I exited the room, climbing the stairs to wait in the guest room. I sat on the bed, my mind racing with questions. What did he want to discuss? What were his intentions? The anticipation made me nervous. What could he possibly do to me? I vowed never to let him touch me. It had been five minutes since I arrived, and he still hadn't shown up. Was he hesitant or cautious? I chuckled nervously.

 Suddenly, he appeared at the room's entrance, causing my heart to skip a beat with his sudden appearance. Despite my surprise, I managed not to show it. I stood from the bed, and he exhaled before walking inside and closing the door. The closing door heightened my anxiety—had I gotten myself into trouble? I reassured myself that I could teleport out of the room if needed.

 "Lets talk," I said, trying to regain my composure.

 "Yeah, let's talk," he agreed, taking a step closer. Why was he looking at me like that? What was this feeling rising within me? Focus, Sara. 

 "Do you feel different?" he asked, advancing another step. My nerves jangled, and I moistened my dry lips, trying to steady myself. 

 "What do you mean?" I replied, feeling my heart rate quicken.

 "You know," he said, drawing closer. I struggled to control my breathing as his proximity made me feel unsettled. 

 "What do I know?" I countered, but he continued to close the gap between us. 

 "What do you feel about me?" he pressed, standing inches away. Panic crept in, and my thoughts scattered. I didn't know how to respond. Being in this situation felt overwhelming, like my heart was about to leap out of my chest. 

 "I... feel..." I faltered, unable to find the right words. I couldn't think straight in that moment, the tension mounting. He lowered his gaze to meet mine, his touch grazing my cheek gently.

 "What do you feel?" he whispered, his eyes drifting to my lips. I couldn't linger in that room with him any longer.

 "I can sense how you feel," he said softly. I nodded, curious to hear his perception. 

 "Your eyes, they dilate, your heart races," he observed, and I took a deep, shaky breath. 

"You desire something, but you're hesitant to pursue it," he continued. 

 "What do I want?" I questioned, trying to maintain focus. A slight smile curved his lips.

 "If I tell you, will you give it to me?" he inquired. I shook my head, trying to regain control of the situation. 

 "Ah, as I suspected, because I lack memory, you feel different now," he remarked, stepping back suddenly, returning to his usual self. I felt a wave of embarrassment rush over me. Why did I react that way? What had just happened between us moments ago? I sat on the bed, covering my face with my hands, feeling overwhelmed.

After Life:  Sara & Padma's Journey After DepartureWhere stories live. Discover now