21/01/2018 - overdose

4 0 0



that's how I feel-

weak all over

even as I'm writing now

my eyes beg to close;

tiny specks of red decorate themselves below my eyes and on my cheeks

I don't even know what they are. 

my skin is pale

so pale, I don't look like me.

my lips almost tint

a light shade of pink

and my nose still smoothly runs like it has 

these past few days.

my sunken cheeks so dry

from the amount of times my hands

rubbed at my escaping tears,

hallowness around my eyes evident

maybe lack of care,

or just a reminder of how empty I used to feel.

I sleep in intervals,

long hours where I lose all consciousness

memories and then bad dreams,

I don't know what feels worse

waking up to a terrible headache 

as though unable to figure out how it is to sleep,

or sleeping is seconds without your thoughts,

void of any emotions that once were prevalent

feeling everything at once

and then not feeling anything at all

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