Chapter Seven- Spell In The Silence.

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My wolf's excitement woke me up early the morning before my birthday. Jumping up onto Laura's bed I bounced up and down to wake her up. "Ugh, Mims, get off," a mess of black hair emerging from under the covers, one eye blinked at me sleepily. She swiped her arm under my legs but I bounced off the mattress and onto my feet, turning before I landed and ripping the quilt off her in one fluid movement. "Get up, get dressed and let's go!" I shouted as I danced from the room, grabbing the bags we had prepared the night before.

Once we had dodged our parents and left the house, we made our way to Kelly's house. She and G were waiting for us in the barn, two dirt bikes prepped and ready to go. Handing us our helmets she gave me a hug and Lolls a smile, used to her friends' aversion to affection, "be careful you two, the tanks are full and please come back safely," she wagged her finger at me, "you've got a movie night to plan missy." Unexpectedly, Lolls dived for them, pulling them into a brisk but firm hug each before pulling her helmet over her head and obscuring her face from us, the girls shared a look, stunned. I felt their fear grow, G opened her mouth but shut it again when Kelly nudged her.

"Thanks girls, you’re both legends," I grinned as I put the helmet on. Swinging my leg over the bike as Lolls did the same, waving one last time before taking off. Just over an hour later we reached the slope that led down into the valley. We slowed our bikes down as the magnitude of what we were about to do hit me. What if someone saw us or something went wrong? It wouldn't just be me that it affected this time, if anything happened to Lolls it'd be my fault and I’d never forgive myself. My wolf reached out, giving me the courage to press on, I started the bike back up and we set off through the valley. 

Forty minutes later we stopped at the weathered sign marking the start of the dirt track that wound its way through the woods to the house. I took off my helmet, shaking my hair out as I took in the strange feeling that crept over me. "I think we should walk from here. I don't sense anyone around, but if they are I don't want to tip them off that we're here."

"That makes sense, let's hide the bikes though." Together we walked the bikes into the trees across from the track, camouflaging them with branches and leaves. Picking up our bags we stepped onto the packed dirt of the road. The change in the atmosphere was immediately apparent, making me pull Laura closer to my side while listening intently, there were no birds singing in the trees yet I could see them flitting around in the branches, animals scurried soundlessly over the forest ground. It wasn't scary, more like watching the tv with the volume off.
Looking over at Lolls I saw the same puzzled look that was mirrored on my face. Shrugging, I gestured ahead and together we walked on, we didn't talk, somehow it didn't seem appropriate.

Ten minutes in, Lolls eventually whispered "This is weird Mims, not Sam and Dean vibes but don't you feel watched… " The softest of sighs raising the hairs on my arms had me covering Lolls mouth with my hand, I moved, swiftly taking cover behind the nearest tree. Putting a finger to my lips in warning I raised my eyebrows questioningly at her, she nodded letting me know she understood. 
Using the sign language I’d learned and then painstakingly taught her, almost at the sake of my sanity, I scanned the area, I signed 'did you hear it?' Two short blinks told me that she hadn't. My fingers moved fast, 'keep a lookout okay?' One blink- yes. I switched our positions so she could see clearly and instinctively closed my eyes, searching my mind until the threads of souls circling each other became clear, a whisper of distance between them. They were enveloped lovingly by a beautiful light green mist, impulsively I reached out and grabbed onto it. 

My hair was blown back from my face with a powerful blast of wind. I felt everything around me, my mind propelled shockwaves through the atmosphere, the sensation was electrifying, lighting up my veins. I could feel Loll's protectiveness as she guarded me, right down to the life flowing through the earth under my feet. Impulsively I crouched, burrowing my fingers deep into the ground and my magic wove her way through actual layers that looked like the Damascus knives Lolls always salivated over. I could feel layers upon layers in the air, every single atom. Miles mapped out in exquisite detail before me. 

Feeling a pull to the left of me, I peered closer. Like the zoom of a lens, my mind focused on something out of place, it was almost perfect but this patch had a definite shape to it, like a door or tall window, shimmering slightly. My eyes remained closed as I stood and moved towards it, unsure why I was so confident it wouldn't harm us. Weaving through the trees effortlessly until I stood in front of it, I reached out, my fingers stroking over the anomaly. As soon as I made contact, something popped loudly, the sudden onslaught of different sounds after so long in silence made both of us jump three feet in the air. The magics coiled back up within me as the world returned to normal, complete with the rustle of the leaves and birds calling to each other. Laura gaped at me, "what the hell was that?!" 

Absurdly tired, I looked around, panting as I tried to catch my breath, "I'm not sure but I think it was a spell. The point of it I'm not sure but I... why are you looking at me like that?"

She had the same look as when she had first discovered cheese, banana and honey sandwiches, amazement and disbelief coating her face, "I'm not talking about that, well I am but... how did you do that?" 

"Do what?" Worried, I checked her over, "did I hurt you?"

She scoffed at me,"Don't be ridiculous, you'd never hurt me," she rolled her eyes at me, "picture this..." she said, moving her arms dramatically, "The air ripples all around us, fast and furiously lifting branches and leaves into a protective ring around us. You're crouched there calmly, looking like you’re wired into earth's mainframe or something." She clapped her hands together, startling me. "Then…BAM! you fire out a wave of air that causes the ground to roll like a Mexican wave in a packed stadium under our feet." Lolls stared at me, "I can't believe you missed your own show! Beyond cool Mims, seriously. It all disappeared as soon as you opened your eyes. What did you do?" 

I didn't know what to tell her, I just did it. I couldn't even fake any enthusiasm, disconcerted that I wasn't aware of any physical manifestation around me while I was in the mist. I needed answers and I knew just where I was going to get them. "I'm not exactly sure but that's what we're here for yeah? Come on."

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