Chapter 22- Fuck You And Your Judgement.

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A/N This chapter carries a MATURE WARNING, as does most of the next chapter, NAUGHTY BITS AHEAD!! Characters are +18. Again, if you know me, read at your own risk.


I couldn't sleep, letting my kids go off without me filled me with familiar fear, but the main reason was sprawled out on the pull out bed ten feet away from me, I cracked the door open in the cabin again, stealing another look at him, the t shirt he was wearing strained around his biceps and across the broad planes of his back. Mum muttered something in her sleep, shuffling around on the bed we were sharing before falling silent again. I had to move or she might wake up and find me perving on my ex boyfriend, then she’d tell Kenzie who’d tell… . I groaned when I realised the answer was everybody, Cole rolled over onto his back, one hand on a six pack I wanted to lick, one at a time, slowly..."

I groaned again, slapping my hand over my mouth when Cole said something, hugging a pillow I was jealous of. Rolling my eyes, I stood up, I needed to get a grip, this was ridiculous, he's made it clear where he stands, I could be that pillow right now. Keeping my eyes firmly on the floor instead of feasting my eyes on rippled abs, v lines and a happy trail that disappeared under the sheets that made my thighs clench at the jolt of arousal in my belly, I passed him on tip toe to get to the door. Seething with frustration I grabbed the bottle of Spencer’s brew I’d hidden in my bag, sliding out of the motor home into the dark night. Seers were always careful not to drink too much but my tolerance for alcohol was phenomenal, built up over years of blocking out the pain. I hid it well, my shameful secret. Sitting down on the grassy sand bank I rolled the bottle between my hands listening to the crashing waves on the beach, Cole had always been ‘the one’ but since I’d come home he treated me as if I was breakable, sure, he’d flirt and tease but he was waiting for me to make the first move and it scared the bejesus out of me. I shivered, regretting not grabbing a blanket or something, it was baltic.

I wasn’t the same carefree Quinn he’d fallen in love with, back then I’d been impulsive, jumping from one adventure to another with him as my willing accomplice. Just a shadow of that girl remained, now I was the woman who flinched when voices were raised and hid my opinions away to avoid conflict unless it was with my family. I snorted, shaking my head and twisting the cap loose, angry at him for daring to treat me like the fragile, scarred woman we both knew I was, angry at Liam for turning me into her, angry at myself for everything I was and wasn’t, everything I’d done, especially to my kids and Cole. The clear liquid barely wet my lips when the bottle was abruptly snatched from my hand. I glared up at Cole towering above me, his broad shoulders blocking the moon while he glowered at me. “Give. It. Back.” I demanded through gritted teeth.

I expected him to back off as he’d done a thousand times since I’d left Liam and come home. But as he glared at the bottle, something shifted in him. His normally loving blue eyes blazing with anger, he hauled me up and frogmarched me away from the motor home, all the way down to the waterline of the small beach we had parked next to. He threw the bottle into the ocean, ignoring my pleas for him not to even as my excitement rose. When he looked back at me, the fire in his eyes took my breath away. "How long have you been drinking?" he demanded, striding back to me until he was just inches away. 

Infuriated, I went on the defensive, poking my finger into his rock hard chest, "That's none of your fucking business Cole, keep your nose to yourself." 

He captured my hand and threaded his fingers through mine, glowering down on me with disapproval tightening his stupidly sexy jaw, "Cut the crap Quinn! You've always been my business." Suddenly I wanted the fight, needed it, to let it all out, everything we’d never said. I wanted to rage and provoke him until the dam burst, and then I wanted to fuck him, right here in the wet sand, just climb on top of him and ride him until I saw stars.

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