Chapter 21-Maybe Your Dicks As Dead As The Rest Of You.

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                                                                                                      ⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️

"Can't wait to tell Lolls about this, can I still call her Lolls? Probably not. Can't call her Ken either, she'll make me be Barbie..." I nattered on, still hyper from the hunt.

Fen snorted. "Those plastic dolls Kelly had? That's a hard no." Suddenly, fear tinged the air, coming from the campsite. The meat, skinned and cleaned, hit the floor in the Muslim bag the same time our paws did, shredding the T-shirt gramps had given us. "Vampires." Fen snarled.

We crept to the tree line, pausing when we heard a sing-song voice call out, "you forgot to mask that mouth watering scent. Why don't you be a good girl and join us? You don't want us to hurt these fine people here, my pet."

"Aden, stop Gramps, leave this to Fen and I." He nodded to let me know he'd heard my thought and grabbed Gramps' shoulder as he went to step forward. 

"How do you want to play this Fen? Scared and innocent or cocky little brat?" I smirked.

"Own it, girlfriend. I'd snap my fingers if I had any."  Fen sassed. Savagely envisioning all the ways we wanted him dead invigorating us both, I shifted slowly back to skin, "Throw me some clothes and I'll come out." I demanded.

The long haired vamp sighed, "Very well, we’ll be doing more than looking at you soon enough." He waved a hand at Aden, "throw her some clothes boy."

Fully dressed, I skipped into the clearing, my clawed hands clasped behind my back. I grinned widely at everyone, "We weren't expecting company, were we Gramps?" Gramps swallowed nervously, his eyes questioning my upbeat tone.

"Confident little bitch you are, aren't you? I look forward to breaking you. My name's Kev, I want you to know that before I make you scream." He licked wickedly sharp fangs as he looked at me from head to toe.

"And if I make you scream? How about your boyfriend over there?" I taunted, raising an unimpressed eyebrow at him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Aden and Gramps staring at me like I’d lost my mind.

"Can we just kill them now Kev?" The greasy one whined.

I pointed my thumb at him and cocked my head at Kev quizzically, “I don’t know how you can stand the whining, that’s a mark of true love right there Kev, is he the Elena to your Damon? The Bella to your Edward? Aww I bet he makes you sparkle.” I gushed girlishly, carefully watching his eyes turn a deep blood red, “why don’t you take Snape over there, treat him to a spa day at the carwash then come find me, I’ve just had my claws done.”

"You can have the humans, the girl is mine." Kev hissed.

"Fen, now!" Throwing myself to the back of our mind,  Fen had already taken control, shifting us into our fur and barrelling into Kevin. Sending him flying backwards into the trees, we twisted in the air, our claws swiping down the other vampire's chest as we soared over him, his entrails spilling out on the ground. Landing behind him, we swiftly ripped his head from his neck with a sharp twist that cracked sickeningly through the campsite, "Aden... never mind."

Gramps had taken out a lighter and I’m positive the vamp burned faster because of the amount of grease he was caked in. I watched the flames for a split second in amazement, momentarily distracted until Gramps shouted in alarm, pointing behind me. Whipping round just as a blur landed on us, Kevin's sharp nails dug into our sides and threw us over onto the ground. Roaring, I leapt onto my paws, ready to end him when he grabbed my brother by the throat and pulled him in front of him like a shield. Instantly I froze, bloodthirsty resolve hardening in my veins. "I'm going to rip his dead fucking heart out."

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