Chapter 31- You Can't Smoke That Shit Around A Kid.

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A/N. Please don’t come after me but I’ve had to tweak the mythology slightly for the sake of the story, I know Thanatos is traditionally Hypnos’ twin. I do try and stick to the mythology as much as is possible but this one change had to happen or I’d have no book 😂 Thanks for reading this far if anyone has!


I didn’t need to hear Sandman to know he was whining, I could feel his petulance in his mist and hoped my replacement could turn this aspect of her magic off when she chose to, that’s if we could bring her back, no wonder she was certifiable, her skin itched. “We have some time, preserve as much energy as you can.” I muttered to the viper before falling silent as Cheech started talking. 

“I know where to start anyway, we’re gonna have to work the rest out as we go.” He had his back to me but I could hear the smile in his voice even before he turned to gesture to me, “okay meet Elliot Keller and her threaded Fen, now estranged daughter of Selene. Elliot, this is my twin brother Hypnos or Hyp, God of sleep and my nephew Morph, Morpheus, God of dreams. Say hi boys.” Morph lifted a hand casually but his smile spread from cheek to cheek making his amber eyes twinkle in ways that should be illegal, Sandman fell back into the chair rubbing his temples. “Elliot here is hell bent on self destruction, trying to suck all the pain and emotion from multiple sources to turn herself into a bomb.” 

My brow rose of its own accord as he finally turned around while throwing his hair up and securing it with a band around his wrist, moving closer he continued, staring at the tornado whith his hands in his pockets, “She knows she’s in the underworld and she’s decided to go out with a bang, unfortunately for her, or for us, Fen and I have other plans. We need to trace whatever magic is keeping them in the underworld but until we do I want you to concentrate on Fen, put her in a deep restorative sleep and keep her there.” Impressed and concerned at how quickly he’d convinced Fenja to cooperate, I huffed as he said. “Morph, you need to draw for her as soon as possible.” 

Morph nodded but Sandman threw his hands up, his face disbelieving as he responded to Cheech but the nightmare god didn’t look as worried as I would have liked anymore, waving dismissively he said, “One and the same, Enyo became mortal, Fen not so much, they were unthreaded just before Enyo died.” A shiver ran down my back hearing my name fall from his lips so casually, his hands were back in his pockets, stretching the fabric across a bulge that held my gaze for far longer than it should have while his brother said something else “It took some convincing but she realises she doesn’t have much choice.” He said before Morph said something while moving around to kneel before Fenja's gold, his face glowing with wonder.

Cheech chuckled, answering his nephew, “the first of quite a few it seems, and no, not exactly, but she can make her feelings quite clear regardless.” His respect for Fenja could be heard in his voice, and I couldn’t help the resentment that bubbled in my stomach as he went on, “I’m taking Elliot to the studio, see if I can’t redraw some of her mare or at least reshape it, but her primary gift is my biggest issue. She feels and I mean everything, from magic to a simple lie, I think that’s the cause of your headache, go ahead and cry, I did. She’s gonna feel the smallest changes and she’s gonna fight me, aren’t you Keller?” he said waspishly, In spite of myself I laughed, taken aback by his blunt honesty and undisguised provocation in his words. If only he knew that my handle on Elliot’s viper was nothing compared to how her master would eventually wield her against our mothers, if my plan worked of course.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Sandman’s brows shot up and asked Cheech something which caused him to exclaim, alarmed, “I don’t… let’s fucking hope not, look what she’s doing to herself!” Shocked, I watched as he transformed into the mare I’d previously thought he, or Nyx had trapped Elliot in, replaying it from his point of view. Flinching, I made myself watch what Elliot was ‘doing to herself.’ It was strange knowing the girl in the web had created this mare yet it was me awake inside her body, Morph studied it analytically but his father looked as sick as I felt, incensed once again at what my Luna had driven this poor child to.

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