Chapter Fifteen- Convergence.

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Aden lifted me into his arms as carefully as he could, the heat emitting from me suffocating the air in the house. The static in my mind increased as an unbearable ache started growing in my jaw, my magics struggling to hold my mind but she was distracted by the pale rose coloured moon rising. I was vaguely aware of the cooler, damp November air as he lowered me onto a blanket of grass. The pelt of heavy rain being scorched dry pummelled my over sensitive skin provided no relief as mum and Lolls stripped me down to my underwear. 

Hours later I was curled in on myself as a tsunami of intense magics gathered above me, my own spinning like a gold and green tornado, the speed she was moving at blinding me, making my head swoop even with my eyes screwed shut, My jaw stretched in silent screams of torment as razor sharp canines descended at glacier speed, I was panting hard as the blood vessels in my eyes popped and losing myself in the heat of the volcanic abyss while my fingers cracked, reshaping excruciatingly as my nails sharpened into the natural weapons they were destined to be, three years from now.

The heat abated quite dramatically as the ground below me was chilled rapidly, frigid air as cold as a mountain top concentrated around me. The rain, icy now, doused the inferno. I sighed tiredly, relishing in the momentary pause. I cracked open an eyelid to see my family, my coven, in a circle surrounding me, arms raised at the now blood-red moon that was now high in the sky above us. I could feel the pulses the red orb was emitting pooling above my body, gathering in strength and volume, my own gold-green swath spinning with so many shades of purple, red and white. Dimly I wondered what was keeping it back and how much it’d hurt when it broke free. Teak walls blackened at the thought, making me snarl at the coward hiding behind them, her opinion meant nothing to me right now.

Standing determined and fierce between mum and Aden, stood my Lolls. She saw me looking at her and rushed over to help me swallow some water, kissing my cheek and saying "Aden's never gonna top this" before rejoining the circle. She didn’t even glance at the multicoloured cyclone of energy building above me. Could she not feel the raw core of its power, the speed and intensity waiting for its turn to shred me apart?

"I have my wards down, use me to communicate if you can," Aden grimaced, "as loud as you need to, little sis."

As the next wave of agony shot towards me, I scrambled to grab onto my mist before it hit. Tracing it with my mind, my back arched off the ground just as my lower legs broke and my ears imploded, twitching brokenly higher on my head. For the next few hours or possibly years, I clung to my sanity as nature waged war against me, losing myself in the whirlpool of my mist, feeling it weaving its way closer and closer to the two souls it enveloped while every one of my two hundred and six bones took its turn to punish me. Lolls poured water into my mouth over the hours when I'd pushed the thought into my brother's mind. "It's eleven pm, almost there, you're doing great Mims." Her words pierced through the sheets of anguish. Fresh, crucifying torture ensnared me in its web as my spine broke, realigning itself at a leisurely pace, my pores stinging as fur pushed its way through them. 

As the mist flowed ever faster towards its pinnacle, the cyclone descended with a grace I hadn’t expected as the two souls within me threaded together, my wolf's wall splintered into shards of nothing as she burst forth from her self imposed prison, our threads colliding into each other with iron clad finality, at the same time the gathered pool of energy pulsed one last time before shooting into our heart, injecting every fibre of my being with a vitality I’d never experienced before. My wolf’s love and protectiveness chased the last vestiges of pain from her chosen equal with ferocity, howling into the night as my magics encased the conjoined souls like a protective skin. 

The Convergence was complete and holy shit, did it feel good, I thought touching my magics for the first time was a wild ride but this… jumping up onto my paws, I padded around in a slow circle, nuzzling my thanks with my snout into the open arms of my family as I went until I got to Aden, running my huge tongue up his cheek with all the drool I could muster, I winked wolfily at Grams camera for extra effect, mum had thrown a fit when she set it up but Lolls had insisted I’d want the movie for our friends. The wolf, as I was currently calling her, kept trying to talk to me, pulling on our thread until I snarled, warning her to back off, I wanted my moment, I fucking deserved my moment and she’d ruined enough already, she fell quiet but her emotions were just so loud.

Gritting my teeth, I got to Lolls last and as she looked at me with a hand on her hip, assessing me with pursed lips, I grinned, letting my tongue hang out over rows of deadly teeth, waiting. “I really hope you’re done now, that was go-ry, bet Ollie pukes!” I pounced, instinctively placing my paws and shifting my body weight so I didn’t flatten her, I covered her face with my tongue, my tail wagging as she tried to bat me away, laughing so hard she was crying. After a few minutes the wolf growled, determined not to be ignored any longer. I rolled off Lolls and sighed.

“I won’t wait any longer, you have to listen to me, relinquish control to me or I’ll be forced to take it.”

“You can try.” I sneered.

The wolf sighed, “This is ridiculous.”

“Screw you.” I bit out before slamming my own wall of teak up between me and my threaded, giving her the control she so desperately wanted. 


The pain already a memory. One that was seared indelibly into me and I took pleasure in the wolf’s flinches, replaying it in my mind specially for her. If this is what giving birth was like, Aden could give mum grandchildren. I'm also seething, I hadn't forgiven her for leaving me to go through the shift without her, she could have helped me if she'd chosen to, yet here she was, making threats and trying to boss me around. Was she just oblivious or did she just not give a shit? My bitter mood and desire for answers fought each other until I sighed, giving into my curious nature, I tore the wall down and started ranting at her. "Can I know your name at least? Or will you freak out and block me, oh wait, you've already done that." My tone was caustic.

Our teeth ground together as she bit back the growl of frustration from coming out, too bad for her I could literally feel it. She's frustrated with me? She's such a bitch! I scoffed loudly at her, "you've got a bloody cheek, I've just gone through the shift three years early and my threaded not only knew about it but instead of giving me a head's up and helping me, you buggered off behind a wall and left me to get on with it. Did you enjoy that? Watching your chosen in pain? Pity you didn't have popcorn, all good horror movies need popcorn."  

The wolf bowed her head as the weight of my words pressed down on her, her shame and regret extinguishing her ire. "I am truly sorry, I know you can feel that. It was a necessity that you will understand if you give me a chance to talk," Her sorrowful tone changed to excitement and anticipation, "I don't want to tell you my name, you’ll remember on your own. It would please me greatly if I could hear it for the first time from you?" I chuckled involuntarily, nobody could resist a plea like that. The wolf sure had a way with words. "I know, I learned from the best," the smugness at getting her own way was obvious. 

I rolled my eyes but I was too invested in what was next, asking, "so what happens now?"

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