Chapter 16- Games Of Gods.

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Her answer blew my mind, shooting forward like an arrow headed for the centre of its target, we travelled through the layers of time, brushing against the walls of my soul's previous lives. School teacher, slave, blacksmith, thief, warrior and queen among them, I was even a gold medalist in the very first Olympics held in Athens. I remembered being these people, the lives I led, human and supernatural. The families, friends, enemies and opponents I had had. I remembered being a mother, childbirth and marriage, love and betrayal, loss and joy. Some lives were long and others cut brutally short, each last darkness becoming a new bright light. Overwhelmed, I laughed, cried and remembered.

"Each life you lived has left its mark, a fibre sown into your soul. None were fated to bring forth The Convergence." There was a melancholy note to the wolf's tone, a deep loneliness that made me ache with her, for her. "We’re together now, for eternity and beyond. There will never be a time when we are apart again, it is witnessed." It irritated me when she spoke like this, all otherwordly and superior so I just tuned her out again,
busy absorbing every movie intently as my magic grew faster and stronger with every layer of history we passed through. Our thread shimmering with ever brightening intensity and with absolute certainty I knew we were getting closer to the crux of it all, empowered by the sensations. With every life I remembered, knowledge returned to me, my soul pulsed and grew until I felt like I could take on anything. "Interesting choice of words Mira." She let out a wolfy chuckle. I pondered that before deciding there was no point in demanding an explanation for her words, she was practically giddy, her exuberance infecting me with anticipation. 

"Finally." I said as we took the final leap towards our destination.


The wolf and I stood behind a single layer on two feet, which hadn’t been easy, even though she told me to shut my eyes and retreated back into my mind as gently as she could, I still threw up. Anyway, the movie we were about to see was apparently the pivotal moment in time. This was no mortal plane. We had travelled through dimensions and realms that blew my mind and my wolf was still babbling about witnessing events or something. I was too busy looking around to listen to her, amazed and picking berries from bushes to get the taste of vomit out of my mouth.

We seemed to be in a vast garden, vines and fruits hung from balconies and tropical flowers snaking their way up the pillars and trees. Birds and other, weirder, wildlife called to each other from everywhere. "Is this heaven?" I whispered. The wolf breathed out a small chuckle but her conflicting emotions trickled over me. "Hey! I’m done being kept in the dark, especially by you." 

Immediately she answered me, contrite. "This isn't heaven, but it was my heaven, Olympus was my home, Selene, she is family, my alpha and my true mother.” At this point I was past being surprised, I’d picked over the prophecy in my mind, the moon goddess was mentioned by name. A freshwater stream with tiny fish ran through the ground and lush dewy grass cooled my feet while three suns shone high in the cloudless sky. To the left of me an expanse of ocean invited me to dive in, creatures of the sea visible through the pure, crystal waters. 

But it was what lay to my right that worried me. The pull to the wilds of this forest beckoned to her, uncoiling like a viper risen from its slumber, she was alert and intent. "We need to pull her back, think of your magic as an entity, if you allow her to, she will wreak havoc. You need to be her master but there will be no taming her. She does not think, she feels and reacts like a stubborn child who will do whatever they please." My wolf instructed warily. "Put her on a leash and keep her there. Bend her to your will."

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