Chapter Nine- Back Alley Deals With Arms Dealers.

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I wasn’t being held down exactly, I could move everything except my butt, that was superglued to the chair. Mildly panicked but mostly curious about this turn of events, I glanced around the room when absolute outrage burst forth from my wolf. She didn’t like being trapped, I could feel her scratching at thin air, demanding our release. My lip curled and a low sinister growl rumbled out of my mouth, my eyes shifted to the deadly silver switchblade I carried in my boot, somehow in my hand already. Blinking at the weapon in my hands, I frowned, tentatively feeling the underlying notes in the atmosphere until I felt Lolls, perfectly safe downstairs by the windows. “Lolls isn’t going to believe this.” I said to no one, bemused.

A warm, almost tropical breeze brushed past me as a question swam through the layers. "Believe what?” 

My breath hitching in my throat, my chest tightened as flashes of memory played in my head, remembering the times I would hear this voice, this achingly familiar voice... "There's no way..." I breathed, tears beginning to well up in my eyes, "Mum?" 

"Babygirl. I apologise for the theatrics but it’s easier like this, I have to tell you my story and I only have so much restraint left." 

"But after? Please mum, I didn’t know if I’d ever see you again." I begged.

"I promise..." feeling the truth in her words I settled quietly, watching as her mist bled through whatever spell she was using. “What won’t Lolls believe?" She asked again curiously.

“My wolf, I can feel her emotions and she’s throwing a wobbly over being stuck to the chair.” I grinned, feeling her irritated indignation trickle through me, “well you are!” I shot at my future threaded, “anyway… she’s overreacting and I reacted, I guess, flawlessly. I didn’t know I’d drawn my blade and don’t get me started on where that growl came from.”

“Liam lets you carry a weapon?” Mum's voice was shrill and outraged, making me gulp. I hung my head but a small smile tugged at my lips and it
grew as she gasped, “is that silver?! I can’t believe that rat bastard would give you a knife, let alone a silver one!” Her infuriated anger for my dad warmed my belly, I’d seen and heard mum in the movies that haunted my sleep, either silently enduring or screaming in pain, she spoke in whispers, not shrieks, except when she was with Aden. Then I got to see her smile, animatedly talking about his day and helping him with his homework, but never, not once had I heard her angry… or loud, dogs were barking in far off lands as her voice climbed higher and higher in pitch. My magic, so much more prominent since I’d sought out my mist, honed in on the white hot fury and black hatred bubbling away in her mist, a vivid electric blue-white swirl of activity surrounding a blank mum sized space.

‘Rat bastard?’ The giggles I was trying to contain broke free, my shoulders shaking, I threw my head back laughing, “Dad doesn’t know we have them, we take them when we jump the boundaries for protection, you should see Laura’s, she has a weapon collection no fourteen year old with her temper should have, I mean we both do but she’s a serious collector.” I grinned, remembering the first one I’d ever given her, Dad would give us money at our request instead of christmas presents and we’d use it to buy each other something epic, “blades for birthdays and Christmases, funko pops for bribes, mainly to get her to study and Star Wars anytime, she’s ridiculously easy to buy for, but we keep our silver ones off territory.” 

My grin grew wider when she spoke, muttering under her breath to herself, “my daughter has a weapon collection!” she paused, “where did you get them from?” She demanded, not waiting for an answer before muttering again, “next she’ll be telling me she’s been doing back alley deals with arms dealers!” She was pacing, the sound of her voice and her mist travelling past me and back again on repeat.

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