Chapter 20- The First Kill.

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"Why are you hugging the walls, weirdo?"

"Dreaming of this place brought me back to you, I'm saying thank you, and goodbye." I sniffled as I answered Aden. "Don't mind him, house, he's just an ungrateful wretch." My house soaked up my affection like a puppy getting a belly rub.

"Keep hugging walls and you'll get a name for yourself. We're gonna be coming back, and here I thought Kenzie was the dramatic one, you're so damn extra!" He exclaimed, dragging me away from my sentimental moment and out of the front door.

As the door closed behind us, the house felt despondent. Pouting in sympathy, I gave it one last stroke of my hand then ran to the truck, Gramps was busy fitting a canoe to the roof, while I claimed my space, I got to work, preparing my snacks, pillow and blanket for the long journey, placing the books Gram's gave me in order of how I wanted to read them and got comfy. "Hope Grams' packed those raspberry pastries." I peered into the bulging picnic basket Grams had prepared and fist bumped the air, "oh yeah, that's what I'm talking 'bout Grams." I smacked Aden's hand away as it sneaked towards my basket, "mine!" I snarled, Aden's eyebrows shot up on his head, snatching his hand back quickly, "she packed you and Gramps one too." I said sheepishly.

"One..." He glared at me, protesting, "between us! And yours is bigger!"

"Wolf equals more food, duh! Quit whining." I rolled my eyes, since Fenja and I threaded my appetite had quadrupled along with my emotions, I'd always internalised strong feelings out of necessity and these sudden outbursts I kept having were embarrassing and exasperating, especially since both Aden and Lolls found them so funny.

"You and your stomach have quite the bond there, Sweetheart" Gramps laughed, "I think we're all set." As we set off down the track, I took one last look at my house and gaped, the ruins of a burnt out building greeted me. "The protection spell activates once the last of us leave. If your dad does find the house again, this is all he'll find." Gramps said.

"Can we call him Liam?" Aden said.

Nodding, I agreed, "Now are we playing I spy or what am I?"


Mum and the others had left before dawn this morning, Lolls hadn't wanted to leave me and mum had continuously fussed over Aden and I, eventually Cole had thrown them both over his shoulders and into the motor home. Grams had pinched our cheeks before Gramps walked her to the driver's seat to say goodbye privately. Cole was beside himself at the chance to win Mum over, especially since he had Aden, Lolls and I fully on board. Grinning crazily, he had bounded back over to the two of us. Pulling us into a tight squeeze, he thanked us. As they set off, Mum's head popped out of the window, Lolls beside her, face still tripping her but she waved moodily, Aden waved back as I shouted at her to put her face straight and for mum to give Cole a break.

"BE HAPPY QUINNIE!" Gramps added, waving. She blew us kisses and as they turned the corner, she gave a hesitant smile and nodded at us.

"Finally, I thought that Cole would be waiting forever." Aden laughed.

Gramps stared at the empty driveway with a faraway look on his face, "Your mum's had a hard, traumatic life. She didn't smile for a long time when she came home, except with you, Aden. When she got the confirmation you were coming home, Elliot, she searched every possible path for weeks. These last few days, having both of you together and with Lau... Kenzie joining our family, I've seen my Quinnie shine again." Gramps looked at me, I wiped the guilt from my face but my magic betrayed me. "Hey now, none of that Sweetheart. All wounds leave scars, and your mum wears hers like armour. My daughter would go through her hell a thousand times over and still not change a thing if it meant she has you, both of you. And now, knowing her part in the vision is fulfilled, she gets to be a mum to both of you. Cole's waited a long time for the crack in that armour, he'll probably have a ring on her finger by the time we arrive at HQ." He finished, chuckling.

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