Chapter 23- Batter up.

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"Just a peek, a teeny tiny peek Cole. Mum, it couldn't hurt could it?"

Grams looked torn but after a look at Cole she sighed, "We can't Quinn, no magic means just that. We could put ourselves or your dad and the kids in danger."

"Fine, okay, I won't," she grumped, thwarted. I grinned at the similarities between Elliot and her mum. Mims hated not getting her own way, crossing her arms the same way her mum was doing right now, they both paced a lot too, were left handed and bit their lip when they were concentrating. "I'm going to drive for a while, give my mind something to do." There was a pause as she looked at Cole the way she'd done all day and most of the night, the blush spreading across her face again confirming that something had definitely changed between them last night. All day the pair of them had shared looks and increasingly less innocent touches that made Quinn smile and blush, and left Cole grinning like he'd won the lottery.

Grams said she'd keep her company which I was thankful for, if Cole went we'd probably crash. I totally cockblocked them last night, I thought, busying myself with my notebook while they eye fucked each other, scribbling my suspicions and findings down on the pages. As they began crucifying 'shape of you' up ahead, Cole sat down and tried to snatch it out of my hands, "you've been writing in that all day, what are you up to Kenny?"

Closing the book and hiding it away from his prying eyes, I rolled mine, exasperated, "It's Kenzie! And it's nothing, you don't ask a girl about her diary" I gasped. "That's like me asking which base you hit last night! No thankyou mister..." I  smirked,  "...but now that you've brought it up..." I said blithely, tucking my hand under my chin, "so... last night? I don't need to know which base you got to, just that you got to batter up."

The satisfaction spread over his face, bumping the fist I held out before ruffling my hair, "straight for the championship ring, Kenny."

"Single Minded, I like your style." I turned towards him, throwing my leg under me and pulled my notes out, letting him read over my shoulder as I jotted down a few questions, "Since we're on the same team and all, I have some questions for you." He leaned back, crossing his legs at the ankle, amused. I leaned closer, "I don't hide anything from Mims, ever," He frowned slightly but nodded, "my mum drinks, she doesn't hide it now but when I was younger I'd see the extra bottles in the shopping, the places she'd hide them before dad or Liam would come home." I rolled my eyes, shrugging his hand from my shoulder,  "don't pity me, Wilson, don't bullshit me either, this is the first time Quinn's been sober enough to drive, nobody needs to pee that much."

Cole's eyebrow rose at my observations, "It won't be the last, I went through the van when you went to pick up breakfast," he replied grimly, "I don't think I missed any but I've asked Spence to move my things to her rooms at the college, I'll go through them when we get there." Furtively he leaned closer, "No bullshit right?" he asked, at my exasperated nod, he continued, "Aden says it got worse when they came back to the coven... I'm going to help her, Kenny, but it wouldn't hurt to have help, especially when we have to be apart."

Confused, I frowned, "Of course we're going to help but I thought you'd be with her all the time now?" Done murdering Ed, the girls moved onto Sia up ahead, I winced, even without shifting my senses were keener than a humans and my ears felt like they were bleeding as the pair belted out Cheap Thrills.

"When Elliot and yourself go into training, one or both of us will be with you but not always at the same time." He explained casually, as if going to war with the underworld was an everyday occurrence, I looked around the cabin, feeling that feeling when she isn't near me and narrowed my eyes at Cole, his last words ringing in my ears.

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