Chapter 19- Quick, Feed It.

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"Your father and Elaine have arrived back at the pack, they know you weren't with Kelly's family." Were the first words out of my Mum's mouth when I walked into the house. 

Lolls was already biting her nail down to the quick, our bags beside her. "We have to go, Mims, we're in so much sh... trouble." She finished after a quick look at Mum.

Aden's face split open with the size of his grin as his eyes shot to mine. I grinned back, bumping my fist against his. Mum cocked an eyebrow at us, her eyes flashing white as she looked ahead and started laughing, pulling Lolls, Aden and I into her arms and jumping up and down gleefully. The air flowed with warm magic, the house lapping it up as if it was catnip. Cole immediately took advantage, joining our hug with mum encased in both his arms, her mist erupted with joy as soon as he touched her, telling me everything everyone else except mum probably already knew. Grams and Gramps made the full set with Lolls in the middle who after a few minutes wriggled out, standing with her hands on her hips. "Not that this isn't lovely, because it is, and I hate being the party pooper, but Liam... we have to go Mims."

"Why Lolls, why do we have to go?" I spoke my thoughts out loud this time.

Rolling her eyes as if it was obvious, Lolls replied sarcastically, "oh, I don't know, because we live there! We can't just leave," she looked at us and hesitantly a smile began growing on her face, "can we?" 

"I can’t go back, Lolls. I'm a shifted wolf at thirteen, I can’t hide that. And Fenja is very obviously not a normal wolf." I shrugged, "Let's face it, it's not as if we have anything to go back to except Kels and Gilly-bean and you know they’d be telling us to go for it, so why not? Mum's seen it, haven't you?"

"Hi Fenja, Love the name!" Lolls waved manically right in front of my face, jumping up and down, "I'm in, all the way Mims, let's do this!"

Mum grinned but shook her head, "Actually no, not exactly Mira, I saw you two with us, but it wasn't here. It can't be. It's too close to the pack, someone could see you or Laura, and if your dad gets a Magical to find the house... the last person you want finding out about you is Liam."

"Come on Mum, what can he do even if he did find out?" I asked.

"Sweetheart, don't underestimate the greed and manipulation Liam is capable of. He will find a way to use you for his own gain, and he won't hesitate to use Laura and Aden against you. You and Fenja may be powerful but you're still an untrained witch with little skin side battle tactics." Gramps answered for Mum. "Quinnie?"

"I see us moving but not together, we’re also travelling as humans for some reason. Two groups, Mum, Laura, Cole and myself in the early morning, Aden, Mira and you leave in the late afternoon." Mum was pacing, her eyes constantly switching from blue to white and back again. "We have to stay completely off the radar, not only are we kidnapping Laura, but if her mother or Liam report them missing..." Mum trailed off, eyes solidly white and frowned, "Magic free journey's along different routes, we meet at HQ, three days from now. One more thing, dad, the Advocates are shadowed. They mustn't find out about Mira and Fenja." 

Gramps nodded, "that's why we're to travel as humans, a report will put us on alert to the pack's, but I doubt it will be further than a few states. They'll also be looking for two female pups, or two pups, a human woman and her son. The Advocates would just let the pack's deal with this. Isa, we’ll need binding potions." Grams nodded, already opening a cupboard I hadn’t noticed before. filled with shelves heaving with bottles and packets.

"I think it's more than that Ezra, we'll talk more at HQ." Cole and Gramps shared a serious look, at his nod my future step dad continued, "I'll go after lunch and organise vehicles."

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