Chapter 29- Crystalline.

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"I have to try Cole, I'm going crazy here." I buried my head into his chest as I broke down, again. "I feel like I'm back there, only this is worse... at least then I knew she was okay, now..." 

Cutting me off with a soft kiss he said, "Quinn, love, don't start underestimating her now."

Sighing in frustration, I snuggled closer, muttering, "if only I could wasn't supposed to be this way.”  


When the wreckage of the raptor burst out of a portal into the driveway of our covens headquarters, the brakes of the truck squealing as it skid to a stop right outside the doors, my heart jumped out of my chest. Something was terribly wrong. When Uncle Rob reached into the backseat and pulled the pale, lifeless body of my baby into his arms, I thought she was dead. All my nightmares had come to life. Liam had caught up with them, Nyx had found out about her, they’d been attacked by rogues or vampires or even magicals. Elliot finding her mate hadn't even occurred to me. To any of us. 

Aden ran straight past us, paving the way for Rob who carried his sister, his face streaming with tears. This wasn't how I'd seen her arriving here. With the utmost care my uncle laid my baby on her bed, tucking the blankets in around her. As soon as he stepped back, the air surrounding her solidified, a crystalline cocoon forming around her, emitting an almost electric energy, a clear warning to stay away, freezing us where we stood.

Cautiously I was inching closer when Kenzie came hurtling past, too fast for us to stop her, she dived towards the bed, her fist smashing yellow into the cocoon, green sparks erupted under it, the pulse, as strong as the first time Elliot touched her magic, shot through the mansion, shattering all the windows and sent us hurtling into each other and the walls. Outside, trees fell and mums greenhouses exploded, yet remarkably, none of us were hurt, not even Kenzie who’d taken the direct blow. Cole grabbed her when she jumped up, probably to stop her battle charging the shell, before she dived back in he said, "It's her magic. See how she's powering it?” his fingers danced in the air, drawing our attention to the movement whizzing through the impenetrable shell. "Anything I need to know? Injuries for example." He asked.

"She blacked out, had two seizures and a nosebleed." Rob announced grimly, he turned and faced us, his stance defensive. “Don’t just stand there, help her!”

“I can’t.” My heart stuttered at my lover's words, he was already reaching for me, his arms ready, I bolted into them, letting him hold my pieces in place. "Her magic won’t let me, she’s shielding Elliot and Fenja. They've gone through more than their psyche can handle." He said over my head, clutching me tighter when I cried out. “She’s put them into stasis, an extreme measure.”

"Extreme doesn't come close to describing the crap my lass has gone through in the last thirty six hours." Rob growled. “On top of the steaming pile of shit she’s been dealt already, she scented her mate, Fen and her magic went berserk, damn near killed us all.” He turned to look at Elliot helplessly, “I don’t know how she did it but she fought them both, I thought she was okay until she collapsed, you said her path was clear,” he said and I stilled, he frowned, "someone's manipulating your sight."

Ignoring the gasps of shock that erupted, Kenzie gripped his shirt and yanked his face down to meet hers, terrifying fire blazing from her, “I suggest you start at the beginning, Big Man." She bit out, turning them around so her back was now to Elliot protectively, guarding her. “Who the fuck are you?!”

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