Chapter 18- Why So Glum, Chum?

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After showering and a change of clothes, I came downstairs just to be bombarded with questions from everyone except Mum, who was just happy that I was back. Sitting everyone down and recounting all that had transpired last night seemed to take hours. After I had finished no one spoke for a while, digesting the news that in a few years from now, a bit longer if the God's had successfully pushed Nyx and Epiales timeline back or much more preferably, if they hadn’t given up altogether, the first gate of Hell could be opened, and it was apparently my job to stop it.

"Let me get this straight, my sister's wolf is the Moon Goddess' daughter, created from Selene's very soul?" Aden pouted. “And I don’t get a wolf at all!”

Lolls smirked at him, leaning her chin on her hand, "why so glum, chum, jealous?" 

"No! Well, a smidge maybe." He held his finger and thumb up half an inch apart. “But you are too!” He accused, Lolls nodded, conceding his point.

"I have to stop at least one goddess and one god from unleashing hell on earth, there's not much to be jealous of," I snapped as my temper rose again, the wolf growled at me warningly when my magic hissed, I sighed, lying my head in Lolls lap, when she didn’t move I whined, grabbing her hand and placing it on my hair and purring when she started massaging my scalp,  “so far everything I’ve discovered is both terrifying and awesome, but the more she tells me, the less I want to hear."

“I always said we’d conquer the world, I’d say the underworld qualifies as a world, we really should be filming all of this, not just the gore fest.” Snorting, I nodded up at her, we filmed a lot of our antics, giving our finished movies out as Christmas presents to our friends, they’d kill us if we went home and had nothing to show them.

“Are you serious? Can I help?” Grams asked excitedly, mum rolled her eyes, exasperated with the three of us.

"You're not alone Sweetheart, our family line was chosen to help you and help you we shall, you have the full weight of your coven behind you." Gramps reassured me. "Why don't you go for a run and have that talk? Cole and I will call the coven HQ and see what we can come up with."

Mum interjected, her eyes flashing blue and white, "Then you have some decisions to make."


Instead of running I walked along the riverbank, lost in contemplation, eventually I stopped, taking off my shoes and dipping my feet into the cool water. "Are you going to hear me out?" She asked sarcastically.

"It's not like I have a choice, in anything actually, so you go right ahead." I snapped childishly, grabbing a reed and shredding it slowly.

Choosing to ignore my petulance, she instead picked up from earlier, "What you're too blinkered to see is that there was no choice for us. Enyo was a warrior goddess, and my soul was crafted by Mother Luna to be her equal. To refuse would have gone against our very nature. We were warriors, we had to do what we were created to do, fight for what is right."

My hands fell into my lap and I sighed, sheepishly apologising, "you're right, I know that, sorry. Go on, please."

"After we had come to terms with our fate, we returned to Selene.” She sighed, "Enyo became mortal and we lived out the remaining years of our life together on Earth with our mates pack. In the last few minutes before Enyo drew her last breath on the battlefield, just as she had wanted, we were brought home to our Mother. And in her arms, Enyo died as Mother Luna unthreaded our souls, separated as we were, neither soul could move on to the other side. She died alone, without me." The gravity of her words hung heavy in my heart. I ached for her, for her grief. "I drifted aimlessly in the layers as I watched each one of your lifetimes leave its mark on my chosen, you. The night you were conceived, the ancient soul of the warrior goddess Enyo, strengthened by the indelible lessons left by each of those lives, became the core of who you are."

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