Chapter Eight- My house.

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You’d think after the last half hour I'd be ready for any more surprises yet I’ve been standing here with my mouth open, trying to wrap my head around the sight before me, for ten minutes now. It looks like the old house, but that can't be right. I’d witnessed the flames lick the door that night, smelled the burning wood and the reeds of the thatched roof. You could see the dark plume of smoke rising high in the air for miles above the trees. Yet here it stood, nestled into the forest as it had always been. 

I blinked, yep, it was still there. "Wow, it's so pretty, did someone rebuild it here?" Lolls asked. 

"If they did then they did a hell of a job Lolls, that is the exact same house my dad burnt down." I said faintly, "the door has scorch marks on it."

"Like in the dream?"

"Identical." I blinked again, just to be sure I hadn't finally gone completely crazy. 

Lolls took another look at the house and warily stepped backwards towards the path, "I swear to the moon, if your house starts screaming at me, I'm gonna... well I'm gonna hide behind you and hope you can handle it, but like, bravely and stuff."

"Whoa, calm down with the heroic acts." We looked at each other and burst out laughing, once we started we couldn't stop, today has been the weirdest and most exhilarating day of our lives. Our shared sense of adventure and natural curiosity made confronting whatever this was, easier for me. “Chill out Lolls, there’s only good vibes," I said, "it feels like I’m being welcomed home."

Lolls eyed the house dubiously. "Well, let's hope it got my rsvp. If you and your house are finished with the love fest, maybe we should get moving if we want to get back before they've finished setting up at the farm." She picked up both our bags so my hands would be free if needed, gesturing impatiently at the house, "come on, you're running this show."


Exactly as I’d dreamt, the door swung open gently by itself, sunlight filtering through the windows, bathing the interior with warmth. The interior had been completely renovated, the whole of the ground floor opened up to create one big space. Beams ran across the high ceiling while polished flagstones and warm wood came together harmoniously on the floor. Cosy looking couches and a chunky coffee table framed an open fire, shelves lining the wall on either side of it, eclectic lamps sat on side tables and a large colourful rug pulled everything together. Next to the back wall with its glass bifolding doors was a polished dining table made from one massive slab of wood surrounded by a mishmash of chairs that were all different sizes and colours. Facing that, was a kitchen that would make any chef green with envy, the dark painted wood of the cabinetry, stainless steel and polished concrete island were showcased by the same pendant lights that hung over the dining table. 

"Everything's so different, it's gorgeous," I said, running my fingers over the white and wood beamed walls. Looking around, there were no signs anyone lived here, there were no pictures or art, no books on the shelves, no dishes in the sink and yet the house felt lived in, cared for. A ripple of warmth caressed my skin, like the house was proud of my assessment. I laughed to myself, I must be going crazy if I think a house could agree with anyone, especially one that shouldn't still exist and yet I’d always known my house was special. Becoming aware that Lolls had gone quiet, I turned to see her still in the threshold of the door, dipping her toe inside then pulling it back out like the house might incinerate her. I yanked her by the collar making her trip and crash land on the floor at my feet. 

"Oh that was a bit risky don't you think?!" She glowered at me as she stood up and put her hands on her hips, “What if the house only wanted you here, I could have died!”

"You're still breathing aren't you? I think you're good," I giggled, amused at her exaggeration. A warm breeze rippled through the air when I laughed, like I’d made my house happy, I could feel it laughing at Lolls, “it finds you funny.” My fingers danced along the wall as I drifted towards the stairs, the magic that flowed through the foundations was a mix of old and new, the young and the old, deep and strong, phenomenally strong. 
Growing more curious by the second I paused, placing my palms and forehead on the wall, “You helped.” I whispered with my eyes closed. I’d known every inch, every shadow that would appear as the sun rose and set over every single nail and beam, there’d been many  times when I’d struggle to replace a spot and a new floorboard would appear or a room would have an extra foot of length, the spaces between the eaves or crawl space would suddenly feel bigger where they’d previously been constricting. “Thank you.” The wall warmed beneath my touch pushing its affection into my mist like a puppy. Giving it a cheeky kiss I headed upstairs.

About three steps up I realised Lolls once again wasn't beside me, glancing back I saw her put her foot in the air then lower it back to the ground, "Mira, I think your house is stopping me from coming with you, very politely I might add." A twinge of worry tinged the mist around her.

I grinned. "I'm okay with that. There's nothing here that wants to hurt either of us. Go have a look around, but stay in the house ok? Just in case," I heard the tinkle of the chimes again and peered upstairs, "I'll be fine." The air thickened, charged with my anticipation and growing adrenaline as my feet climbed the remaining steps. Up here the layout hadn’t changed, but carpet and yellow wallpaper had been replaced by hardwood floors and white walls along with new doors and a big bay window that hadn't been here before. Three of the doors were shut but my bedroom door was open like I knew it would be. It smelled clean and fresh, the same white wicker furniture, the childish daisies I'd painted on the walls still matched the flowers on my bedspread and curtains. My rocking chair with its blanket sat in the same position, books and toys on shelves and scattered on the floor. It was exactly as I'd left it that night.

"Well I'm here now so..." I held my arms out, spinning in a slow circle, "erm, why am I here?" Feeling like a total moron just standing there asking an empty room questions, I tried to be more forceful, "reveal yourself at once," I growled lowly, like a b movie villain. "Good one Mira," I facepalmed, "why am I like this?" I found myself just wandering around touching things, bouncing on the bed, looking out the window at the garden I once played in. Nothing happened, nothing jumped out at me or spoke to me. Frustration at the thought that all I'd be leaving with was more questions, I threw myself into the rocking chair.

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