Chapter 30- Cinema Of Horrors.

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Metallica- Enter Sandman.

"Well, what we have here is a failure to communicate. 'Cause we're not trapped out here with you. You're trapped out here with us."
-Dean Winchester.


A/N Please note Enyo is/was a fully matured woman.


Peppermint and dark chocolate... movies... blue and red lights flashing on a dark ceiling. A web of lies and splinters hold me prisoner while I die a hundred deaths. Hung. Shot. Raped. Cancer. Poison. Suicide. Fresh blood spilling over old scars, claws and teeth and the endless dull thuds of hands and feet battering pale skin over the agonising wails and cries coming from the thousands of screens spinning all around me. My soul cries out for my threaded, none of these movies equal my pain and terror when Fen does not answer. I can't give in. She'll find me. This isn't real. I am Elliot Keller... Lolls...I am loved... I am Elliot Keller.


I loved once, there's a gnawing ache in my heart where they used to live but I can't remember their smiles. I can't breathe yet the addicting scent invades my pores even as the invisible noose tightens, stretching my neck until it snaps. Deaths I couldn't have lived torture me, whips whistle and crack, bullets fire and my soul burns, I can't cry every time my body is violated, scream when my bones break... I can't cover my ears when the voices tell me nobody loves me, I am theirs, I belong with the things that writhe through my web... I loved once... I am...Keller...


I am nobody. The voices cackle, the movies scream and my body breaks while my heart cries out for the source of the overwhelming aroma that grips the tattered pieces in its thrall, stopping my mind from becoming one with the voices. No longer do I plead for my demise, haunted by the certainty that I've crossed into the realm of the dead, condemned to this infernal abyss befitting my sins. I don't know how long I have burned, it could be minutes, days, months or a lifetime that passed when I felt it, the irritated presence of something new. "Go, find Hyp and bring me the one responsible for this." it said, the screens froze and the voices fell silent, leaving me alone with the scent that I can never escape, I sighed, my face turning and opened burned out eyes. Was this the one who had come to save me? I wondered, do I deserve to be saved?

Seven streaks of colour flew away from his body shrieking, my movies screamed louder, trying to draw me back into their torturous nightmare and as my eyes met his, flashes of people and snippets of conversations appeared in my mind, I don't know my name... but I know his. My finger twitched, beckoning the fever god closer, peppermint and dark chocolate faded into orange smoke on a crisp clear night as he bent down on one knee, bringing his face level with mine, he was nervous...angry, I studied his features as they became sharper, he wore his black hair long, the soft tips brushing his shoulders, timeless indigo eyes framing feathery thick lashes, warm breath tickled my nose, coffee, bacon and weed, the God of Nightmares looks like a musician, eats breakfast and is a total stoner, amusement flashed through me, it felt foreign, as if it belonged to someone else and with that thought a remembered feeling of another's emotions threatened to push me back into the web. Fen.

This wake 'n' bake motherfucker has me trapped in the underworld, I realised, my hell is just a nightmare he thought up over his morning espresso, his lips parted as his inky hair fell forward. Shadows of madness crept into my vision, threatening to pull me into its depths as I realised I couldn't feel her within me, I really am alone, my heart turned to stone as my lips moved, "I will become your nightmare Epiales, you and our mothers." I vowed, fear clouded his eyes and I winked as I became one with the mare, "I felt that."

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