Chapter Eleven- Baguettes and Blushes.

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The last few hours have been the best of my life. The cookies were demolished as we talked, laughed and cried. Grams took photo after photo as I sat curled up to my mum. We caught up on the last five years, watching Aden and Laura tease each other relentlessly. Grams eventually nestled into Gramps' arms, content to watch and listen to their daughter and grandchildren, her camera still in hand.
Once they had all stepped through the layers, books and an impressive vinyl collection had filled the empty shelves, art adorned the walls and there were knickknacks and pictures throughout the room. I saw the picture of my mum and baby me on the mantle among others above the now roaring fire and a familiar set of five bricks now made the base of a lamp. The experience of being in a home that was full of love and people who openly loved me was bizarre. I never expected today to turn out in this way and I wouldn't change a single second of it. 

Seeing Lolls slip right into place warmed my heart, my mum and Grams fussing over her like she was one of their own and she was revelling in it, telling them of her failed attempts to scare me and embarrassing both of us happily by recounting various cringeworthy situations we had got into over the years. But as the day wore on and the sky outside darkened, a heavy weight began to settle in my tummy, looking at Lolls, I could see the same thoughts running through her head. Aden frowned, shifting his gaze between each of us, "Why do you have to leave? They think you're camping over the valley and they won't be back for another two days. Stay, you can head back that morning and still make it back before them, trust me, you want to spend the full moon with us."

Lolls was already frantically nodding, grinning so widely I was worried her head would fall off. "We, and I think I speak for both of us, would love to." I said, rolling my eyes as her nodding picked up speed , "I also, and again I'm still speaking for both of us when I say this, want you to know, brother of mine, that if you don't stay out of our heads, then the consequences of what the two of us will rain down upon you," I pointed at myself and then Laura, "will make you pray you never father children, because we will teach them every single horrible thing we can come up with." I smiled a smile sweeter than sugar at him, mischief sparking in my eyes. His Adam's apple moved as he swallowed nervously, right before he was knocked over by the force of Laura's powerful swing as she hit him across the head with... a baguette?

"Inferior weapon eh? How's the view down there?" She managed before collapsing on the floor beside him, tears streaming down from her eyes and the sounds coming from her mouth were more hyena than wolf or human.

The four of us couldn't speak, too busy laughing uncontrollably at the pair of them, eventually I pulled myself together enough to point at the baguette and ask, "where did you get this one from?" 

Grams shared a conspiring smirk with Lolls before answering for her, "maybe I thought the meat wasn't tender enough."

"I'm man enough.." Lolls snorted derisively, making Aden glare at her before conceding, "to admit when I've been defeated by a worthier opponent, but I would bet on myself if we had a rematch," Aden smirked, standing with the battered, limp bread between his fingers. "Seriously though, I don't lurk. If there's a strong enough emotion attached to a thought, it slips past my wards. I can't not hear it, it shouts at me." His eyes flickered to Loll's for a split second, "Some people shout louder than others though..." His tone was smug and retaliatory, shoving his hands in his jeans and rolling his shoulders like a total fuckboy,  jesus, could he be more obvious. Aden's eyes shot to mine, amused.

Her eyes widening, Lolls paled then turned beetroot red in seconds. I cringed, grossed out, "Ew Lolls, seriously?!" 

Looking everywhere but at me or my brother she jumped to her feet. "Where's the bathroom again Grams? No, please, don't get up, I'll find it," she said, sprinting upstairs. Aden hung his head, cursing quietly. Clearly he hadn't expected me to catch the meaning behind his words but I knew Lolls better than I knew myself and my brother was exactly her type, I could feel his guilt at embarrassing her and sighed, his mouth was gonna get him murdered in his sleep if he kept provoking her.

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