Chapter 17- Consolation Prize.

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By the time we were back on four paws I was beat. "We must go now, the rest of this story is mine to tell. And you are much too innocent for us to remain here. When you awaken, we shall be returned." The wolf said in a hushed tone. Yawning at the thought of sleep, I readily agreed, drifting off already, "yeah, tomorrow, sure thing. Hey, how come they… were speaking… English?"  I missed her answer, sound asleep.

When I woke up I was in my bed at the house, at some point I had shifted back to my skin side. The wolf passed out in my mind. For a couple of glorious minutes, I savoured the changes in me, all of my senses were heightened, I could see every dust mote above me and I could smell the river that ran through the valleys and woods surrounding me. The sheets beneath me were softer to my touch. The protective love of the wolf even as she slept ran through my veins... the wolf!

Beginning to hyperventilate, I jumped out of bed and started pacing dementedly. She woke growling, looking for danger as I began ranting. "I'm thirteen! What the hell do I do with all of this? I can't be what they need me to be..." The magnitude of it all overwhelming me, I threw myself back onto the bed glaring up at the ceiling, "I haven't even had my first kiss and they want me to... I’m just their puppet, a bloody test tube baby soldier with daddy issues that comes fully loaded like a bad movie. Wolf, check, magic, check, main storyline I have no say in, check!” I was on a roll, jumping back onto my feet. I resumed my pacing, muttering, “Enyo had a choice, you had a choice, where's mine? Expecting me to save a whole planet on their say so when all they’ve done is screw me and the people I love seven ways from Sunday since before I was born, un-fucking-believable!”

The wolf’s sadness pulled at our thread but my resentment was making me vibrate. Trying to stay calm I demanded, "Tell me, tell me everything, how in the hell does a goddess end up a werewolf in the first place?!" I despaired further as another thought hit me, "Holy cheeseburgers, I can't compare to a damn goddess! Talk about a downgrade, oh, this is just awful for you!" Inadequacy and jealousy crawled over me. She flinched at the venom in my words, but I was past caring, she was part of the plan that had been mapped out for me, and I was done being used and moved around like a pawn in some cosmic game. "SAY SOMETHING!" I shouted hysterically.

Cautiously, she spoke, "Enyo was a warrior goddess, she was fierce, fought with precision and commanded the loyalty of armies with ease. But there were things that she wanted for her life that never came to be. She craved to be loved, and to love another with all of her heart and soul. The thought of spending eternity alone broke her heart so she went to Selene and beseeched her to grant something only Selene could give. To change her so that she could experience a true mate bond.”

Damn this bitch, I wanted so badly to hate my predecessor but the wolf was making it impossible, “So Enyo wasn’t born a wolf?” I asked despite myself

“No, she was sister to Ares. Mother had long admired Enyo's loyalty and skill on the battlefield, threading her would give her a child of unparalleled power. And so Selene became the mother of a soul predestined for Enyo. You must understand, this had never been done before, the souls of the wolves choose their equal. And no wolf had ever been threaded with that of a deity.” The magnitude of what she was saying wasn’t lost on me but I stayed silent, listening to her story. She sighed wistfully, “With Hecate's help, Selene created a soul from her very own, giving life to me. She braided our threads together with her own hand, weaving her own life force into it. By doing this she brought forth a blessed child of the moon, born from maternal love, and bound to her, her own flesh and blood. We are all her children, every wolf, but I had, and have, the moons very life force within us, We are her most beloved. We chose to stay with our Luna, becoming her beta. And Enyo was content.”

"You, you are her ‘most beloved’ I want nothing to do with that bitch.” I sniped before asking curiously, “did Enyo's wish come true?"

"Did it ever. We found him on earth, big, strong, devilishly handsome Italian, Stefano was more than either of us could have dreamt up... but you're too young to hear more of that... we had but one hundred and thirty nine short human years with him before he died, but they were the best years of our life."

The last words tugged painfully at me. "What happened to him?"

"Stefano was taken from us when rogue vampires attacked his pack, we were visiting the neighbouring pack, Enyo's friend was having her pup and wanted her to be there."

"You must miss him." I said absently, my mind racing, "Hold on... if that was your mate and you're now here with me, does that mean I had a mate? Was 'Stefano from hundreds of years before the fucking convergence my once in a lifetime chance of having a MATE?" The last word battered the air with magic, brute force striking the foundations of the house. Instant chaos erupted as my house tried valiantly to defend itself, calm me down and hold itself together at the same time. As the door swung open I was shoved violently to the back of my mind, the wolf already standing on four legs in my bedroom. My family untangled themselves as the ground settled and my magic slammed back into me.

"Sorry." Was all she said, feeling my nausea through our thread.

"You could try and remember your handicap next time." I snapped.

The bitch flashed her goddamn teeth at me, snarling. "You're pissing me off Mira."

Gobsmacked at her audacity I snarled bitterly at her, pacing in our mind, "Well I'm truly sorry if my drama is too damn much for you, and I'm sorry, but I'm never going match what you and Enyo had together, and I'm sorry you got stuck with the consolation prize, and... and...," I trailed off at the sight of the dishevelled bodies of my family and Cole, "Oh my god, I'm sorry. I am so sorry, is everyone okay?" 

"If I give you control back, do you promise to listen? You are not less, and if I hear you refer to yourself as a consolation prize again, I will lose my shit. The only way you're going to start to believe in me, in us, is if you stop jumping to conclusions!" She snarled right back at me. Too stunned at the way she had just spoken to me, I couldn't think up a single, scathing response. She shifted us to skin, slower this time but still fast enough that I felt sick, "you did that on purpose!" I barked acidly at her. 

"Fucking prove it." She bit out.

This was a whole new side to my personality, I knew I was lashing out at her and I hated myself for it, she didn't ask for this either. She gave as good as she got though. "I'm such a brat." I sighed as my anger debated.

She sighed, "I've been with you from the start, I know you're a brat, but you're my brat." The viper hissed and we both rolled our eyes, "and she's ours."

I rolled my eyes just as clothes were thrown at me, I took in the averted eyes of the people in the room, realising I was butt naked and ran screaming into the bathroom, "that's gonna take some getting used to."

"Your skin bothers you?" She asked quizzically.

"No, but I'm not used to being instantly naked in front of people, and never, ever shift in front of my brother or Gramps again."


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