Chapter 26- We've Had To Close The Road.

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Laden down with my spoils, and gloating, we drove out of town, BB opened his window and tensed. "Keep your scent masked, Lass."

"Well duh..." I began sarcastically, too busy inhaling the delicious aroma of the triple club sandwich I was about to devour to listen to him repeat himself again. Fen howled deafeningly in my head, which shot up as the scent of dark chocolate and peppermint hit me. "Stop, stop the truck Gramps, now!" The layers heated dramatically as my magic, wolf and I lost all rationality. Uncontrollable and unknown need raced through my soul as our canines descended, Fen trying to take over, my magic trying to break free of her leash, Gramps lost control of the wheel, veering on two wheels, sending everything not tied down into the air.

"Mate, find mate!" Fen demanded. Understanding flashed through my mind, shaking me to my core. ' no no,' Panicking, I threw myself at the switch and Elliot Keller took over. Fighting against her now, I screamed, shattering the windshield. Battling to push her back down as my magic wreaked havoc. "FENJA!!!" I watched in slow motion as BB dived for me, only to be driven back into the door by the destructive venom of the viper breaking free of the tenuous hold I held over her, "We're gonna kill them!" Kicking her to the very back of my mind, I smacked as much control as I could muster down onto the walls I slammed into place, relieved when the fur receeded from my stinging pores. The effort weakening my hold on the other part of me, the viper struck, erupting out of me in every direction, releasing a potent nuclear bomb carrying her signature that decimated the layers, destroying any hope that he hadn't scented me. I fought viciously but I was growing weaker, battling the other two stronger sides of myself at the same time. My stomach roiled turbulently, vomit rising up into my throat as I wrestled to get the leash back on the viper and maintain the walls I'd thrown Fen behind.

"Ezra!" BB shouted as Gramps swerved dangerously on the road, trying to avoid the trees and rocks falling down around the truck, "get off the road and cloak us." With one last Herculean effort I locked her down, gasping for breath as both of them tore shreds into my walls to take over.

"We can't use..."

"Fuck that Ez, her signature is everywhere, he's gonna come for her." Gramps swung the wheel violently to the left, the truck diving into the decimated forest and skidding to a stop less than a foot from a large maple tree, he and Aden bolted out of the truck and disappeared. BB's voice sounded distorted, his hands clutching my upper arms, "Okay lass, hold on, whatever you do, don't let them out." I grabbed onto him in desperation, accidentally letting her feed off the emotions in his mist, I watched his lips move but the splinters turned into knives, stabbing the last remnants of Mira Peters until all that was left was the drip of blood beginning to flow from BB's nose and ears and Elliot Keller's thirst for the Goddess's pain when they paid for this. My brat hissed viciously at me as I cut her off, analyzing him for any long term damage, when his colour began to return I looked up, meeting his bloody eyes with cold detachment, his neck spasmed involuntarily, as if it had wanted to bare itself to me and he'd stopped himself, averting his gaze from whatever he saw in mine.

"I need to speak to Fen." I said flatly, stepping out of the truck.


"Fen?" My response was a feral snarl as she hurled herself at the walls. "I'm not saying never, you know that, can you just chill the fuck out for a second and consider the implications of this. You told me yesterday that this shit wouldn't happen, couldn't happen, oaths had been taken, yet we've been fucked over, again!" I paced dementedly, tearing my hair out at the roots, ranting. "We're definitely on Nyx's radar if we weren't already, he doesn't have to be, not yet." Her hesitation was bittersweet as my own clawing need to give in and hunt my mate down threatened to overcome me, she was pacing now, trying to shake herself free of his scent, her rage grew as my words pierced her mind and I breathed, dropping her walls in relief, making my case quickly, "you know he could end up hurt or worse. And it'll be our fault. How do we live with that? Can you? Live through that? Because I don't think I can. Yet again we have no choice but to do what they want."

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