4| Seizures and giggles.

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Audreys eyes started to slowly open after over an hour. That didn't change the fact that she was so tired.

- Buenas guapa mia..- He brushed his hand through her black hair that was falling on her face, cause the rest was glued to the device. Her cute confused face made him smile, but the only thing he hoped was that she was okay.

- Mm..- She muttered quietly trying to remember what the hell happened.

- You're alright now, I'm right here. Your head might hurt a little baby, you have an EEG on.- He gave her a gentle kiss on the lips.- Lim was still looking at him being confused, just like she would just came out of anasthesia.- Close your eyes if you want to preciosa, rest will make you feel better.- He gave her another kiss on the forehead, being really careful.

- Im scared..- She mumbled once again closing her eyes.

- And why is that conejito?- He held her hand. He was aware that she was on narcotic medication, so it was normal to say stupid and weird things.

- He's here..- She got tense and held his hand harder. Hallucinations during seizures are something that happend to a lot of people, and due to Audreys PTSD it explains it all.

- Shhh.. Everything is safe I promise, you're having flashbacks baby..- She decided to open her eyes, and when she saw his face, the tense sensation in her muscles relaxed right away.- Hello cutie..- He chuckled, beacuse she was just as confused as before.

- Can you kiss meee?..- She was looking around clearly didn't understanding a thing.

- Of course mi amor.- He laughed quietly and kissed her right on the lips for a long couple of seconds. He checked the EEG waves, everything was perfect so he decided that the best thing to do is to let her sleep a bit, and he will get the results of the blood work.- Rest baby..- He rubbed her cheek, as he saw that she was falling asleep, and left the room.

He made his way to the elevator, going to the 3rd floor. The only thing he wished for right now was the fact that Audrey was safe and healthy.
As he was walking to the laboratory Shaun stopped him out of the sudden.

- Hello dr.Melendez.- He looked somewhere behind him as he didn't adore making eye contact.- I heard dr.Lim had a seizure.

- She did, she's recovering now gladly.

- Are you two dating?- He asked all of the sudden with no hesitation.

- Excuse me?- Melendez was a bit shocked, it was that obvious? He was sure that no one saw their kiss.

- You're giving obvious signs of flirting towards dr.Lim, did you and dr.Lim had sex?- He went straight to the point, as always. Shaun didn't change at that point.

- Dr.Murphy, I'm positive you shouldn't ask me questions like this, it's inappropriate.- He tried not to answer, but it was kinda impossible.

- You didn't say no, so you're in a relationship with dr.Lim?- Shaun didn't bothered to even ask these questions, we all know Shaun and how straight into the point he is.
All of the sudden the pager started to ring for the both of them, which helped Melendez not to answer the question, but the reason was horrible.
Audrey had another seizure and no one knew why.

- It's Audrey..- They both ran down to the 2nd floor and went straight into the room.- Shh..- He truly didn't gave a single fuck that Shaun already would know that they're dating by now, as he rolled her on her side.- I'm right by your side guapa..- He truly hoped that she could hear him, the tears in her eyes broke his heart in a half.

- It's non epileptic.- Shaun stated, and started to stare at one place, everyone knew why and what was happening.- She suffer from psychogenic non-epileptic seizures. Beacuse of the accident and her mental state. We need to take out her EEG and get her to a CT stat.- He said in one breathe being positive about the diagnosis. He almost went out of the room, but he remembered to say one more thing.- Just wait till the seizure stops.- Melendez sighted and held Audrey safely.

- It's almost done baby..- Dr.Lim was gasping for air more and more, it was horrifying.- Up your nose through your mouth mi amor..- Gladly, the convulsious were slowing down, and Audreys breath was getting stable, but she wasn't really waking up.

- Woah, what happened?- Claire went into the room and checked her state.

- She had another seizure, we have to get her out of the EEG and do a head CT. Shaun thinks its psychogenic non epileptic seizures..- He informed dr.Browne as he was getting the small devices out of her head.- You think the stabbing has something to do with it?..- He was clearly worried, and tierd. It was eleven pm and Audrey state was in pieces.

- Probably..- She helped him get the wires out of her hair.- Melendez, her suicidal thoughts started a week ago, or even more but we couldn't see it as much as now. And when did she had the seizure?..- Than it hitted him. It was all coming together.

- Over a week ago..- He sighted.- It is PNES, lord..

- I think the best option is to get her to therapy couple days a week, to prevent the seizures as much as possible Neil..- They were done getting the wires and electrodes out of her hair and head, so the only thing that they could do now is to get her to the CT.

Audrey started to slowly open her eyes, but everything was blurry, and the sound of the lights was hurting her ear although no one around heard it. She felt a pressure sensation in her eyes, as someone tried to pull them out.

- Audrey, can you hear me?- Claire checked the reaction of her pulpits once again using a small flashlight. Lim only noded her head, as she felt to weak to use her voice.- And do you know what day of the week is today?- She checked the reflexes in her hands, and the legs.

Audrey tried to speak but started coughing beacuse her lungs were always acting up on a situations like that due to the wirus that she went through a couple years ago before COVID.

- Go slow conejito, no rush.- He raised the bed behind her head so her lungs doesn't hurt as much. Claire looked at Melendez with no emoction, maybe even sadness.

- It's Monday..- He anwsered the question while still coughing quietly.

- And you know why you're here?

- I..- She stuttered.- I'm gone throw up, I'm sorry..- The seizure made her brain like water. Melendez quickly gave her a throw up bag so she doesn't stand up for now.

- Don't be sorry babe..- He rubbed her hand.- We will get you set up for a CT right now alright?

- Sure..- She sighted.- I'm just tierd. Really tierd, I feel like this day will never end..

- As soon as we get home you'll have the best fucking rest of your life i promise.- He gave her a warm and thoughtful kiss. Claire only rolled her eyes.

- Morgan will come to get you soon.- Dr.Browne left with completely no emotion in her face.

- Do they know what is even happening to me? I am exhausted Neil..- Her face was pale, skinny and visibly not well rested

- Murphy thinks it's psychogenic non-epileptic seizures babe, and honestly he have a right.

- You really think it might be that? I'm just scared that these will happend to often, and I won't be able to work at all..- She hid her face in one of her hands.

- Hey, there's medication and theraphy preciosa, don't think that..- He kissed her forehead, as Morgan went into the room.

We're fucked.

- What the fuck?- There it was, typical Morgan Reznick.- Yo, you two are dating? - Both Audrey and Neil letted out a loud sight.

- Yeah.- Melendez answered not giving anymore information cause it was embarrassing enough.

- I want a invite for yours wedding, so write me up somewhere.- Of coruse her humor had to take place.- Anyways, dr.Lim, I can take you to the CT already.- Morgan was smiling from ear to ear as she know that every possible gossip will be taken out of Audreys mouth in that short wheelchair trip.

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