5| It's okay to struggle.

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Of course Morgan wouldn't give Audrey a break, the last five minutes were filled with questions.

- He came to you on his fucking own? Girl that's a perfect husband to have, you know that?- She laughed, but dr.Lim didn't answer, not even a single giggle, just silence.- Everything's okay?- She stopped walking, and knelt down to her. She was having an absent seizure.- Awh Audrey..- It wasn't for shit and giggles right now, Lim was struggling more and more every second of the day with that condition. Morgan waited patiently placing her hand on dr.Lims chest so she doesn't fell over, as she waited that she stop staring into one place.

- Sorry um..- She came back only a little confused, like she daydreamed, but it was nothing similar to that.- Can you repeat that?- Audrey didn't realised yet, that dr.Reznick was right in front of her being more worried than ever.

- Dr.Lim, you had another seizure.- She was visibly sad about how much did Audrey went through today.

- No, that's not possible, I only daydreamed..- She tried to convince herself more than anyone around her that she's fine. But she wasn't even close to being fine.

- Audrey.- Reznick looked her straight in the eyes and held her hand.- I'm here to help you, and I'll. It's okay to struggle.- She watched as Lims eyes were filling in with tears.- Hey..-A long hug was indeed at this point. Morgan looked like a "cold hearted bitch" as she like to call herself, but on the inside she was the cutest and the most carring person you could ever met.

- Sorry..- Audrey wiped her tears as fast as she could.- That shouldn't happend, let's go to this damn CT..

- Don't be, so as i was saying. He told you, you're everything for him in life? Girl, that's a perfect man right there.- The sass in her came back as fast as it was gone.

- Absolutely, I love him too you know. I don't want to be this type of girl, but he's helping me so much, and it's been only a day.

- Ah, you're a fan girl already.- She bursted into laughter.

- Oh shut up. Just take me to the CT.- She also giggled as much as she had the strength to it.

- Here we are, get the fuck out. You had enough of the time in a wheelchair, never again.- They loved making jokes like this, some people thought it was mean, but it was Morgans and Audreys sense of humor and no one could change it. She stood up, but beacuse she haven't been to rehabilitation a couple days, and it's obvious that her mental health was terrible, she's so much weaker now and almost fell beacuse of it.- Woah, you need help?- Audrey didn't adore asking for help, so she tried to get well on her own.

- I'm alright, don't worry..- She tried to convince her, but her feet were so weak. She almost draged them on the floor, which made her fell. Well, almost cause Morgan quickly catched her.- Or I'm not.- She sighted clearly annoyed.

- Slowly Audrey, first the heel than the rest remember?- Dr.Reznick said the same thing that she was saying when Lim was only starting to learn how to walk all over again. But Audrey lost the encourage to fight, everything started to be only harder and harder.
She took a couple of steps, but since she lost much more blood on the left than the right side during the attack, her left leg and foot was always worse, so no matter how much she tried, it would drag her down anyways. Audrey was strongly holding Morgans hand as she didn't let her fall.

- Thanks..- She said when she sat in the tomography machine.

- Please, don't be. You only owe me a wedding invite still though.- She helped Audrey get her legs on the machine, so she lays down.- Okay, you know the drill so I won't explain it to you, just don't move.- She went out of the room, and got into the second one that reveals all the resultus. Morgan waited around five minutes to get answers, everything in her brain was perfect, but not in her spinal cord nerves. The fact that she missed her walking theraphy was one thing, but her nerves were in a flare up. That's why she struggled to walk more than before, and thinking about what caused her to go into the hospital, it made sense for her to go into flare up. First the pain, then the seizure, now she bearly walks. Morgan closed her eyes for a second and loudly sighted, cause she knew how much Audrey will blame herself.

- Hey girl, all done.- She helped her to get up, giving her a hand.- Everything all right? You don't feel dizzy?

- I kinda do to be honest..- She covered her face with one hand.- It's probably beacuse of the radiation..

- No I don't think so Audrey..- She decided that the best thing to do is lay her on the ground.- Your nerves are flaring up, that's why you've been in so much pain, and now you have seizures all day long.

- Ugh..- She was so exhausted, and even tho dr.Reznick already ended her shift she decided to stay at work till Audrey feel better. Her eyes started to go up, even though she tried to fight it off.

- I'm right there Audrey. I won't let you get hurt at any point..- Audrey was aware of everything that was going on around her, she just couldn't react, respond or stop it at any point.
The convulsious in her hips were very very strong, but besides that she only kept a wrist closed and nothing more was happening. A quiet mumble letted out of her mouth as she hardly hitted her back on the floor.

- It's okay, it's okay..- She said quickly when rolling her on the side. She got the pillow that was in the CT and putted it under her head so she's more comfortable.- Remember to breathe Audrey.- She noitced that the seizure made her hold her breath more and more. And in a matter of seconds, she stopped to breathe completely, no that her heart was falling, the convulsious were not really visible, but strong and made her body hold her breath again for a really long time.- Dear God, Audrey hey..- She looked at her not breathing herself from worrying. Gladly, not long after the breath holding spell ended as well as the seizure, and Lim started coughing.- It's okay, you're okay. Give yourself time and breathe.- Morgan was gently rubbing her head to make her a bit more cozy in that situation.

- Fuck..- Anwsered Audrey struggling to take a proper inhale, beacuse of the time that she held her breath.

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