15 | Contacts.

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- I think it's the last box.- Audrey said as she placed it in the living room of Neils apartment.

- Yeah probably.- He went in behind her, pushing her wheelchair through the door.

- Thanks babe.- She kissed him with an honest smile.

- No need mi amor.- They placed it in the corner of the living room so it's easy to reach, and doesn't bother them. Audrey sat on the couch and took out her contacts, cause her eyes were getting super tired.

- Babeeeee? Have you seen my glasses anywhere? I just took out my contacts so I can't see a thing.

- Uhh, wait.- He started looking around, but laughed immediately when he realised.- They're right next to you.- He gave them to her anyways.- Can you even see me?

- Oh please, I'm not that blind.- She put the blocky black glasses on, which made her look breath taking.

- Are you?- He sat next to her.- You should wear them a lot more, they fit you very well.- She laid her head on his shoulder.

- Yeah I don't know, I can never see myself wearing them at work.

- Well, I can. You look so cute.

- Cute? Jesus don't use that word.- She giggled and yawned quietly.- Oh you poor thing, maybe we should go to sleep huh?

- Yeah..- Audrey got ready for bed, and started combing her freshly washed her.- I think I'm going into some sort of flare up also, my muscles are so sore it's starting to get annoying.

- Maybe it's beacuse you've been walking a lot more?

- Yeah maybe, but it feels different at some point..- She sat down and took all of her medication.

- Can I help you and maybe massage them a bit?- It made her blush.

- No need, really. Tomorrow it will be all okay. But I need a long hug, please.- She looked at him, and before she realised he gave her a tight hug.

- I really hope that Andrews will wake the fuck up, and let you do the surgery.

- Me too, but oh well..- She layed down, and placed her head on his masculine chest.

- Maybe we should do one togheter? He won't have a thing to complain about.

- You think so?

- Yup.- He started playing with her hair.- I think I even have a open heart surgery, sooo.- It made Audrey smile immediately.

- My favourite.- She looked at him with a gentle smile.- Thank you so much babe..

- You're much more than welcome, really.- Melendez kissed her in the forehead and before they realised they falled asleep.

The sound of a alarm woke them up, but when Neil opened his eyes he realised Audrey wasn't even next to him. He stood up and found her in the living room.

- I am okay, don't worry.- She put her ankles braces on.- I almost twisted my ankle this morning, so I rather be safe and don't do some weird shit to myself.

- Woah, you okay?- He helped her a bit.

- Yeah, don't worry. I just need more physio that's it.- She gave him a morning kiss on the cheek.- I made some coffee, want some?

- I got it.- Before she stood up, Neil was already in the kitchen pouring himself a cup of hot coffee.- Ready for our surgery today?

- More than ready. I just hope that Andrews doesn't act up or anything.

- Oh fuck him.- He sat next to her and gave her a long hug.- You sure everything is fine? You got quiet when yesterday.

- I'm 100% sure, really. I'll go get ready okay?

- Okaaay.

They just got ready to head out, but Audrey had to take some documents from one of the boxes, that was left unpacked, cause they were too tired to do that last night. She felt a hug from behind her, and not long after a kiss on the neck. A quiet giggle letted out of Audreys mouth. When she found the papers and turned around they were still kissing but on the lips.

- Babe, we're going to be late..- She said but they didn't stop kissing.

- Oh come on, you're the boss, you decide when you come to work..- He placed his hand on hers cheek.

- It doesn't really work that way, comee onn, we have to go.- She gave him a final kiss and they both headed to leave finally. There were no traffic or anything so they got to the hospital pretty quick. Audrey was so worried that someone would noice her braces and would ask tons of questions, but she tried to stay as calm as she could.
Audrey got to her office and started filling all of the paperwork. She felt super weird since this morning, that's why she got up before the alarm and the braces thing was only an excuse, beacuse she had enough time to put them on anyways. Not like she would have a seizure or something that type, but the smell of coffee made her feel like throwing up, and she had horrible head pains since yesterday. She couldn't even think that something was up with her PNES again, cause it would mean more medication, and even more absences at work. She placed her hands on her temples and took a deep breath, but quickly stopped when heard a knock on her door.

- Hey, I'm going to scrub in, coming?- Melendez asked with a smile on his face.

- Sure.- She also gave him a gentle smile and they both went to change. Audrey started braiding her hair so she can pin them up into the surgical cap.

- If you feel weird during the surgery just walk out okay, I'll tell someone to go with you so you're safe alright?

- Okay, dad.- She mocked him a bit and giggled.- Ready?- She tied her cap.

- As ready as I can be.- They both started washing their hands very very carefully.

- She's already under anesthesia?- Audrey looked at him while asking the question.

- Yeah, we got her set up in the room already.

- Perfect.- They got their gloves on and began the procedure. Everything was going fantastic, perfect charts, there was no unnecessary bleeding until Audrey felt like everything was spinning, litteraly everything.- I have to leave I'm..- She started breathing heavily.- Take over..- She walked out of the operation room and immediately sat on the floor trying to regulate her breathing as she took off her mask. Her hands were trembeling and she was more than sure something will happend, but her body was too stiff to lay down.

- Dr.Lim..- She saw Morgan going in with the corner of her eye.- Melendez paged me, it's okay.- Reznick sat next to her.- Audrey lay down okay? You'll have a seizure I can tell.

- What the hell is going on here?- Audrey only heard Andrews voice as she laied down on the floor trying not to break down, but she couldn't even say a word.

- Dr.Andrews..- Morgan wanted to start, but of course he interrupted her.

- I'm not asking you.

- I don't care. Can't you see that Lim will have a seizure? Aren't you her boss?- Before Audrey even realized convulsious took over her body as her neck rapidly went to the side.- Don't give her more stress just beacuse of the condition she can't even control.- She turned Audrey to the side, but the jerking of her body didn't even stop.

- If she doesn't want stress and is such a baby I should fire her than.- He wanted to walked out, but at the same time the surgery ended and Melendez walked out.

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