11 | Five times.

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- So this little motherfucker was stalking you through the whole evening?- Morgan was shocked about what Audrey just told her.

- Yup. An absolute psycho.- She took her seizure medicine.

- Do they know who is he even?- Of course Audrey didn't admit to the fact that it was Kashal.

- Not really, but the cop was a dick too. He told me that I'm using based on the way I walk? Like how cruel is this.

- You can walk already?!- She almost screamed with a huge smile on her face.

- Yeah kinda..- She giggled.- But don't get too excited, I look like a drunk rabbit.- Lim thought that saying "bunny" was way too quirky.

- Show me, show me now girl.

- Show you what?- Dr.Allen got into the residents room.

- Audrey can fucking walk!- She jumped in place.

- She can what?! YOU CAN WHAT?- Jordan litteraly shouted.

- Jesus, you two are walking too you know.- She giggled, and got up from her wheelchair as they wouldn't give her a break. She walked ever more distance than she did at home, but her shoes were rubbing of the floor anyways.

- Sup what's going on he..- Alex walked in too, as they all started their shift at that time.- Yo, you are walking?- He was speechless too.- That's fantastic Lim!

- Jeez, why is everyone so impressed..- She walked back to her wheelchair.

- Cause you were paralysed and not even over a year ago you're walking again?

- It would be a lot better, if I didn't fucking relapse.- She rolled her eyes. They would argue more and more, but Audreys pager started going on and off.- Whoops, I have to go now. See yall later.- She rolled out of the room and checked on her first patient. It was a little girl; Katie, with 4th stage cancer, but literally the whole hospital knew her. She was a little fighter.

- Auntie Limmy!- Katie smiled and cuddled her plushie even more.

- Hey there little one.- She smiled.- How are you feeling cutie?- Audrey checked her blood pressure, pluse and etc.

- These meds are nasty, I hate them.- She was looking at Audrey like she was her own family.- I can't even have ice cream.

- Oh I know you do kitty cat, but remember how we talked about being a fantastic wonder woman?- The little pale girl shaked her head in agreement, with a visible smile on her face.- These meds are powering your superpower.- She whispered to her as it was supposed to be a secret.- Katie was clearly into it, and forgot about the disgusting cancer. That's why Audrey loved treating kids.

- Why are you on a chair with wheels auntie Lim?- She layed down as Audrey was cleaning out the little girls port.

- Katie, don't ask stuff like that.- Her mom quickly stepped in, but Audrey didn't found a problem in anwsering that.

- No, no. It's okay don't worry.- She gently smiled at her.- You know, someone stole my superpower, and my legs are very painful right now, I need a bit of help. It's kinda like your meds. But I'm not as strong as you are cutie pie.- She rubbed Katies cheek.- If you two need anything call me in okay? I'll be there right after.- Lim was just about to walk out of the room, but Katie stopped her.

- Can I try too?..- She asked quietly. At first Audrey didn't realise what Katie wanted to try, but it clicked suddenly.

- Of course kitty cat.- She smiled and placed her on her thighs.- Hold on thightly cutie pie.- She placed one hand on her chest, so she doesn't fall, and did a little twirl using the second hand. When she heard Katie laughing, her heart was melting, she really wanted to have kids, but she was too scary in her mind.

- Auntie Limmy is very fun mummy.- She got back on her bed, and covered herself with a blanket.

- Sure thing.- Audrey giggled and went out, letting her rest. She saw someone, that was so fucking similar to someone that she knew, but she couldn't remember who. Before she realised, that man started to walk near her. Lim thought that it was a patient or someone that needed medical attention.- Everything okay?- She asked him, but didn't looked him in the eyes at first. When she did, she freezed in place.

It was Kashal. The police didn't hooked him up.

- What are you doing he..- She tried to get far from him, but he held her hand very strongly.

- Say one more thing and I'll kill you bitch. You go with me right now.- He tried to get her out of the wheelchair using strength.

- Don't touch me..- She looked around searching for someone that could helped her, but nothing.

- You say one more word and I'll stab you so many times that you choke on your own blood.- She closed her eyes as tears started to go into them. He took her right into the looker room, and locked the door.- You thought police would do anything? How dare you hoe.- He held her hand even stronger, as it became purple. Audrey was too scared to talk, she prayed that anyone would find her.- Get undressed now.- He took a knife out of his pocket. She was shaking, her eye sight and breathing freezed in place.- Bitch..- He grabbed her body and made her stand up, as he litteraly kicked the wheelchair into the wall.- I told you to get fucking undressed.- She was still looking at him being completely terrified, her legs were in so much pain, the trauma made her straight into the fight and flight response.

- Leave me alone, please..- Her voice shook.

- I'll stab you five times from now, anymore words?- He placed the knife next to her throat and started unpinning her blouse. She strongly closed her eyes, as her lips shaked.
She couldn't breathe, Audrey was terrified.- Why did I even love you, you're disgusting.- She didn't even listened to what he was saying, but still it hurted.

- Please, don't hurt me.- She nearly cried, but he almost pushed the knife into her artery. She knew she had to fight him off. Audrey waited till the best moment, but she couldn't let him rape her, nor stab her. She knew to be very careful, as she learned that the time she was stabbed. She realised the door was closed, so Audrey started making a plan in her head. How to quickly get the knife out of his hand, open the door and shout for help.
It was a one quick movement. If she could, she would kick him in his balls as hard as she could but her legs were too weak, so she banged him in his hand with her elbow and hand, which made him fall right onto the floor. She was too scared to take the knife out of him. How ironic, first Dalisay ex husband, and now hers. She didn't think anymore, and opened the door as she was litteraly shaking, and walked as fast as she could, which wasn't easy at all. The worse thing was, the she wasn't fast at all.

- Hey!- She heard someone shout, but was to scared to turn around, and freezed in placed as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

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