19 | A girl?

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Audrey walked out of the bedroom in Neils shirt, which looked quite huge on her.

- Hi babe. How are you feeling?- He made Audrey some tea, and himself coffee beacuse she hated it since pregnant. Gladly, they had a couple days off, since Audrey had to change her seizure medicine and it could be dangerous.

- I threw up like five times at night, but I'm okay.- She brushed her hand through her hair. Neil kissed her and placed his hand on her stomach.- Hey there little one.- Their argument was mainly caused by how overwhelmed they were by that day, it was hard, and they needed time, but no words could describe how happy Melendez was when he find out he'll be a father.

- You're cute.- She giggled and kissed him right in the lips.

- Today I really want you to rest okay, we don't want you to trigger a seizure.

- I will, I have nothing better to do when even the smell of coffee makes me naseous.- She was smilling at him as he was rubbing her abdomen.- You're smiley.

- Oh hell yeah. I was never more happy than now, you'll be a perfect mum.- He smiled and looked right in her eyes.

- And you'll be a perfect dad.- She gave him one more kiss and sat down, with the cup of tea that Melendez did ealier.- You know, I'm a bit afraid of everything that will happend..

- And that's why mi amor?- He sat next to her, and gently rubbed her back.

- I always wanted to be a mother, but Kashal..- She hesitated and bit her bottom lip.- He made..- Audrey was really struggling to find the right words.- I miscarriaged beacuse of him..- Her hands trembeled as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

- Guapita..- Neil quickly wiped it with his thumb.- It was not your fault, you know that?

- What if I do something, and it will end up like that again? I'm really scared.

- You won't. Even if anything happends, it's no ones fault baby.

- It's just..- More and more tears were pushing into her eyes.- Sorry. I'm stressed out about it..

- It's not something you should be sorry about okay? He was an absolute dick.

- Yeah you're kinda right.- Audrey rested her head on his shoulder and he hugged her using one hand.

- Kinda? I'm very right. He's a motherfucker.- Neil kissed her temple.- You look cute in that shirt, I wonder whos is it.

- Hmm, I don't know.- He heard her cute giggle, but it ended before he realised, as she got real pale.- I guess tea makes me feel like shit too..

- I can get you something for the nausea, how about that? And I suggest you lay down and try to relax.

- I am relaxed. I'm always relaxing as long you're around.- She layed down placing her head on his thighs.

- I'm so glad mi amor. And damn it I'm lucky.- He said while looking straight into her brown eyes.

- Oh yeah? That's why?

- Cause first, I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the entire universe, second if we have a baby girl she will be just as beautiful as you.- It made her blush so bad.

- Stop beacuse you're making me cry already.- She had happy tears in her eyes, everything was going as perfect as she imagined.

- You're so incredibly strong Aud, I've never really sat down and told you that.- He played with her hair.

- I'm pretty sure you did a thousand times already.- She smiled and placed her right hand on her stomach.- I'm so grateful for you, and the fact that we can be together.- He leaned over and kissed her.- And, the anti seizure medicine you chose must be an excellent choice, I haven't had any side effects.

- That's great babe, really. Now let's only hope the seizures will also disappear as much as they can.

- Yeah that would be amazing. Can I ask you a question if we are on this topic already anyways?

- Go ahead.- Melendez didn't stopped playing with her hair.

- Would you rather have a little girl or a boy?- She sat up and smiled.

- Hmm, a girl.

- Really? Woah, I've never imagined you playing with dolls.- She giggled.

- Well, I've never imagined myself too, but how about you?

- It doesn't really matter to me..

- Liarrr, I can see it does. Come on.

- A girl. I've always dreamed for a baby girl, it would be amazing.- One of Neils hands landed on her flat for now stomach.

- It will mi amor. I'll be here everysingle second, not matter what happends okay? We can go for a scan if that would make you feel calmer.

- That's a great idea babe..- She hugged him once again.- Sorry if I'm too clingy.

- Well kinda.- He smiled seeing how much the pregnancy made her glow and smile.

- That's too bad, you have a pregnant woman in the house.

- And I'm super glad.- His phone started going on and off, and when he took it out he realised that Andrews paged him for a heart surgery.- Jesus, I told them I'm taking some days off.

- You can go, really. If they need you it's not a big deal. What surgery is it?

- Heart transplant.

- Than you really have to go, I can take care of myself Neil.- She kissed him.

- You sure?- He started getting all of his documents.

- Hell yeah, and maybe we could go back to work a bit ealier then we expected even, I feel real good after that meds.

- Yeah maybe. But you have to promise me you'll rest and won't overwork yourself, alright?

- Promise.- She gave him a hug and he went to the door.- I'll call you if anything happends.

- Perfect, love you.- He smiled and left for work which made Audrey sight beaucse she had no idea what to do alone. She changed into something else, but it was still one of Neils shirts, just with a marvel logo, and smiled when she saw it.

- Fair enough..- She grabbed her iPad and poured herself some more tea hoping she won't throw up immediately. She laid down and placed a pillow behind her head to help her with the nausea. Audrey started reading all of the documents and filling them in, but she heard a notification coming from her phone.

Text message from: Morgan Reznick ★

How are you feeling Aud?

The fact that Morgan was carring about her made her smile a bit.

I'm alright, just a little naseuos and stuff, but thanks for asking. Aren't you at work?

• I had to stay with Eden, they're worried she needs another surgery so I'm watching her quite litteraly 24/7.

• Awh poor thing, do you need help with anything?

• Girl, I'm not the one being pregnant. You have to rest before Andrews makes you mad when you're back at work.

The last message from Morgan made her giggle quietly. She put the phone down and in a matter of seconds felt that she'll throw up. Only a sigh left her mouth as she went to the bathroom using a cane. Gladly, she made it in time to tie her hair back but threw up immediately after.
She felt a shudder through her whole body, and stayed knelt down for a couple of seconds so her sight comes back to normal. Everything was spinning so bad that she spended a couple more minutes on the floor so she doesn't end up falling the second she stands up.

- Baby, why are you making mummy feel that way..- She rubbed her abdomen but still smiled besides the fact that she felt so bad.

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