21 | It is perfect.

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- Did you took your meds?- Melendez was making sure as always.

- Yes Neil, you asked me that a thousand times already.- She giggled and kissed him.- We can go.

- Alright then, ladies first.- He opened the door as Audrey only rolled her eyes and let her walk out.

- Are you nervous?- She looked at him while waiting until he locks the door.

- No, why would I be?- He placed his hand on her waist as they walked to the car.- Excited yes, but not nervous.

- Well good, cause I'm so nervous.- They both stood in place as Audrey took a deep but shaky breath, the good thing was that Neil immediately noitced that and held both of her hands and gave her time to regulate her body, as nobody would want her to have a panic attack.

- It's okay to be nervous babe, especially when you're the one litteraly carring her.- She giggled quietly.

- Neil, we don't know if it's actually a she.- They sat in the car, and got theirs seatbelts on. Audrey rested her head on the headrest and took a deep breath once again while closing her eyes. A milion of thoughts went through her mind at the time, she was so worried if the paralisis had anything to do with the pregnancy, or the seizures, or if like Melendez liked to call she will be healthy. She still vividly remember how terrified she was when she realised she was pregnant, even when Kashal knew, but it was a completly different story with Neil. When Audrey told him she's pregnant there was an uncomfortable silence for the first couple of seconds, but after that she saw a huge smile on his face. Non of that stuff happend back then with her ex-husband.

- It's going to be okay mi amor, I promise.- He placed his hand on her thigh.

- I know, at least I'm trying to convince myself.- They drove off and Lim stayed quiet as she thought how the hell to tell the rest that she and Neil are expecting. She didn't wanted to tell everyone immediately, just the person that will do the ultrasound first, and looking at the shifts it would probably be Claire, so she knew she could keep the promise. Still, the issue was telling the whole hospital or so, she hated when people were gossping or so worried about her. Even after the stabbing she refused that people help her, well maybe Melendez and Dalisay a couple of times but that's it.

- You okay? You became quiet suddenly guapa.- He looked at her for a second while driving.

- Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out how the hell should we tell everybody about the cheif of surgery being pregnant.- The happiness out of it turned into anxiety so quick.

- Babe, don't stress over it okay? If they have a problem with it so be it, clearly they shouldn't work at this hospital than.- He tried to comfort her as much as he could, and they finally got to the hospital. Neil noitced how bad Audreys legs started shaking due to overthinking and very possible PTSD flashbacks with her last pregnancy.- Hey, it's okay, you're okay.- He held her hand as they got in.

- Hi! Why did you scheduled to get an ultrasound?- Claire looked confused at both of them, and after a not long silence the impression on her face showed her reaction quiet perfect.- Is this what I think it is?

- Depends what you're thinking about..- Audrey blushed up a bit smiling.- I think it's safer that we talk about it in the room already.

- Definitely, we don't many people to know for now.- Neil lowered the volume of his voice making sure no one else hears him. Claire noded full of visible joy. When they got to the ultrasound room she closed the door immediately asked.

- You're pregnant?!- Dr.Browne couldn't hold her emotions in and was crazy smiling.

- Yeah..- Audrey finally told her and giggled a little, when she saw Claires reaction. She immediately hugged Lim and Neil.

- Oh my God guys, I'm so happy for you two, really. That's truly amazing.

- Can you keep it a secret for a little while? We don't want anyone to know for now, we're thinking on how to even say it.- Neil asked Claire and of course she agreed.

- Absolutely, don't worry. Audrey can you lay down?- Dr.Browne got the ultrasound machine and every stuff she needed. Lim was still visibly worried, which Neil quickly noitced since she started biting her bottom lip. He grabbed her hand and started rubbing it with his thumb.

- I'm right here mi amor..- He whispered in her ear which made her relax a bit.

- Okay heree we goo..- Claire placed the cold gel on her stomach and began the procedure. Audrey took a shaky breath once again, even more emotions were going on and off in her mind.- It's too early to tell the gender, cause I would say you're around thirteen weeks, but everything seems perfectly fine.- She smiled and showed the ultrasound result to them, which immediately drown happiness tears to Audrey and Neils eyes. They were becoming a family more and more with every upcoming day.

- Oh my gosh..- Lim voice shook as she was trying not to burst into tears while looking at their little one.

- You might have some pains okay? It's completely normal looking at the fact that your body is recovering from being paraplegic, if anything worries you guys just come to get it checked out alright?- She gave them both a gentle smile and wiped the gel off from Audreys stomach.

- Sure will.- Neil was smiling like crazy.

- Is the medication working out fine?- Audrey stood up as Claire was asking the question.

- It's all perfect, I haven't had a seizure in God knows how long.- She put on her black leather jacket back on.

- That's fantastic. Keep your dose on how it is now, and if something happens just..

- I know Claire, I'm a doctor too you know?- She giggled.

- Right. Okay then, if everything is alright I highly recommend you rest for the end of the day.

- I was thinking about coming back tomorrow anyways.- She gently smiled again and walked out with Neil while holding hands. When they got off the hospital property Melendez spinned her around in the air. Audrey immediately bursted into laughter, she would never think her life would be in that perfect state. As he placed her down, his hand quite immediately landed on her stomach, and the second one on her cheek.

- Everything is perfect mi amor, we'll have a little one.- He didn't stop smiling for once and kisses her lips for a long couple of seconds.

- It is perfect Neil.- Audrey hugged him so thight as the emotions going through their veins were so intense, and it will not stop for a long long time. It is a dream come true, they wanted to be a family and now, here they are.

· breath is all that matters ·Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon