12 | Code silver.

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- Audrey baby..- Melendez ran to her as he saw her in shock.- It's okay, the security got him..- He hugged her, as she was hyperventilating.- Let's go home, okay sweetheart?..

- No, I can't..I need to watch over Katie and..- She started going into a huge panic attack and couldn't stand on her legs anymore, so she litteraly swipe down the wall.

- Audrey.- He realised something terrifying.- You're bleeding.- He quickly placed his hand on the side of her neck. It wasn't deep, but they needed to watch how much blood she loses, and especially when it's on the neck.- Morgan!- He shouted to her as he saw her running to them.- Audreys hurt!- The color on Audreys face lost color, and so did Morgans, she ran to get the operation room set up.

- I'm dizzy..- She almost fainted. Melendez immediately held her head so it doesn't fall.

- Woah, Audrey stay with me. Don't faint okay? Look right in my eyes.- He put more pressure on the wound, so she doesn't fucking bleed out.- Morgan hurry the fuck up!- Audrey started crying, crying beacuse of what happend. Crying beacuse she had enough. Marcus and Morgan ran with a stretcher, they knew it probably needed a couple stiches, but nothing is known. Especially when there's a stabbing.- Shh..- He noitced she was bleeding out more and more, probably beacuse of the crying.- Give me some gauze.- He immediately looked at Andrews, and when he got it he placed it to the wound.

- Let's get her on this, on the count to three okay?- Morgan said, but Melendez immediately hop onto the situation.

- Can you hold the gause? She's bleeding quite a lot, I got her.- Morgan quickly did that, and Neil picked her up and placed her on the strecher on wheels.- Audrey, look at me.- She hardly opened her eyes.- You're safe, you only need a couple of stiches, he didn't stabbed you, but the knife was sharp.

- It hurts..- She whispered while coughing, which didn't helped at all, cause with every cough she was loosing more blood.

- Please don't talk mi amor, only a minute and we will get you all set up.- Morgan changed the gause, and they rolled into the OP.

- Let's get her some ketamine.- Marcus quickly scrubbed in, and so did Neil.- Morgan, take over Audreys patients and calm down the silver code.

- Of course.- She walked out.

They checked if Audrey had any other injuries, but gladly she didn't. It was so scary, but Neil known now, that Kashal is gone for sure. After over 30 minutes of stiching her up and making sure everything is okay they've got her a room, to transfuse blood to her. She quickly woke up, since the anesthesia wasn't strong.

- Hey baby, you're okay. You might be a bit sore, but everything is fine.- He held her hand.- I would wait a bit for talking, it might be too painful for now.- He wiped the tear that rolled down her cheek.- It's not your fault mi amor, he's the one that made your life a horror..- He noticed that her eyes were looking all over the place.- You might be a big loopy from meds babe, it's all safe now.

- He..- Audrey wanted to whisper, but Melendez was right, she immediately started coughing, and placed her shaky hand from anesthesia on the bandage.

- Slowly mi amor, don't jump into deep sea already.- He gave her a white small board to write on.

He tried to rape me, I don't remember anything, I'm scared.

Melendez read it and was speechless, he looked at her poor face being visibly worried.

- Guapita mia..- It was the only words that left his mouth, as he was stunned and didn't know how terrible she must feel right now. He gave her a long hug trying not to touch the wound.- He's in jail right now, it's going to be just fine mi amor..- He was rubbing his hand through her hand. He knew it would be hard to stop her from going to work, she loved it too much.

- Hey there..- Morgan went in gently.- How are you feeling?..- She brought in Lims wheelchair that was kicked to the wall by Kashal. Audrey only shaked her shoulders up and down, as she was so weak.- He's locked up already, can we make you feel more comfortable in anyway girl?..- She sat next to her on a chair, but the answer could be seen in Audreys eyes.- Don't worry, Marcus said that you can come back to work even tomorrow if you want to.

- Really?..- Audrey whispered very quietly, trying not to use her throat too much.

- Absolutely, you just have to be careful and don't talk as much.- It made her smile a bit, the information that she can still work made her feel a so much better.

- When can I go home?..- She said a bit louder beacuse her throat was getting used to the talking.

- Andrews still wants to take a look on that, but I have no idea when, I'm sorry.- Litteraly the whole hospital felt bad for her, and they had a very valid reason.

- It's not your fault, I should yell for help or something..- The gulit started kicking into her thinking.

- Don't you dare even think that, you didn't wanted to get hurt more than you did babe.- He rubbed Lims cheek.

- Yeah, he's a dick Audrey. And an absolute psychopath with no admissions in life whatsoever.

- Mummy, that's auntie Limmy!- When Audrey heard the little voice of Katies, her heart stopped. She probably was leaving the hospital from chemo and saw her.

- I got it, don't worry okay?- Dr.Reznick noticed that Audrey have no idea what to do, so she stood up and knelt down to that little girl.- Hey cutie pie.- She smiled gently towards her.

- Why is auntie Limmy there?- She wouldn't stop looking at her, as she litteraly treated her like family.

- We have to help auntie Limmy feel a bit better you know? She learned from you how to be a fighter, so she'll be perfectly fine.- Morgan immediately saw a huge smile on Katies face.

- Okay.- She hit Morgan a high five and walked out of the hospital.

- Hi there.- Andrews walked into the room where Audrey was.- Everything fine?

- I'm a bit sore and tired but otherwise okay..- She said quietly and smiled as much as she could.

- Well, you lost some blood unfortunately, but I see that the transfusion is done already, so you'll feel better in a matter of hours.

- And um..When can I get back to work? I have no luck these days.- She only rolled her eyes.

- I was thinking tomorrow, but you better be very careful alright? You didn't need a lot of stiches, but we're glad that nothing more happend.

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