25 | Pressure..

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Both of their shifts went smoothly..well at least that's what Neil thought. The first thing that he saw was Audrey leaning forward while holding onto the countertop, he thought it was just like a normal thing but..not when he saw the crystal clear tears in her eyes.

- Audrey baby..- He said quietly and came up to her so fast, like someone would boiling water over him.- Shh..- He helped her sit down on the nearby chair.- What hurts sweetie, tell me what hurts mi amor..- He fixed her hair behind her ears as he tried to keep her as calm as he potentially would massaging that one point on her hand in circular motion so her nervous systems calm down.

- My back..Neil my back..- She only managed to sob out loud.- I can't feel my legs at all..- Audrey was already in a huge state of panic, disorientation, and the feeling of being absolutely helpless. Neil got so worried, what could it be? Another relapse? Maybe she forgot about her medicine? Other injury that they had no idea about? Her PNES acting up all over again? He knew he has to remain calm so Audrey doesn't freak out even more.

- Did you have any struggles today at work babe?- He asked softly, while trying to masage her lower back, trying not to cause her more pain somehow.

- No..- She managed to whisper.- Not at all, not even a single pinch of pain. Did I do something wrong? Is it my fault? I'm so stupid, I'm sorry..- She hid hee face in her hands so she can isolate herself from the whole world and just listen to her depressive and post-traumatic mindset. Neil quickly got her face into his hands and spoke calmly when looking in her gorgeous eyes.

- Hey, hey, hey mi amor, slow down..- He tried to get her to focus and stay safe and sound.- It's not your fault okay? It is not I promise you sweetie, maybe it's just some bad symptoms day.- He eventually saw her slowly getting the panic down.- Or maybe, our mischievous little one is acting up huh?- Neil tried to enlighten the mood a little when saying that, and to his surprise it actually worked. Audrey blushed as a gentle smile got on her face, and Melendez instantly felt reliefed.- Let's just get you to rest for the rest of the day okay? If the symptoms don't ease up we'll get you checked up alright honey?- He got her wheelchair closer, since he knew how much comfortable she felt having it around. She didn't even have to say it outloud, he just knew. Their bond was so strong he could sense what she needed or what she felt the best with just with the use of her body language.

Audrey transfered herself to the wheelchair, and the spasms in her legs began quite immediately. It was so bizzare, and uncomfortable at the same time. It was like nothing or no one could stop the shaking, and she was defenetly frustrated by it.

- Ugh..- She only groaned when still being in a lot of pain.- Can't I just have a normal day? Symptom free day?- Audrey asked mainly herself, she just needed to vent to the universe.

- That's why we're getting you to rest and do absolutely nothing hard today okay? It will be good for you, and our little one to rest.- He smiled and kissed her gently. The feeling of his lips on her immediately made her cheeks go red. She loved him with all she had in her heart, and it was real, crazy, and waited for so long. If she told her younger self from when she was with Kashal that she'll be happy and expecting a kid with the man she truly loved, she wouldn't believe her at all.

- What if I'm paralyzed again Neil? What if the medication did nothing and I will suffer all over again?- She began to overthink, but it was quite valid in her situation.

- Baby hey, no don't think that.- He knelt down to her and held her cold hands.- Maybe you just pushed too hard okay? You've been without your cane for a while, it might be because of that alright?- He tried to get her to calm down, and at least think of something else.- Let's just get your back off pressure and we'll see how it's going tomorrow. You can always use your cane you know that right? It's not something to be ashamed of.

She looked in his eyes with a little smile on her lips. His presence, and even voice always helped her.

- Yeah sure, not that I have a choice though.- She rolled her eyes and giggled.- Sorry that I panicked about the pain..- He fixed her hair behind her ears.

- Don't be sorry okay? You were scared, it's normal honey. Especially that you had a flare up of being literally all over again paralyzed not so long ago babe.- Neil rubbed her bearly probably visible only to him bump, which remained Audrey to keep calm a bit.

They sat like that for a couple of minutes in complete silence, but then she looked at Neil with a blush over her cheeks, a smile from ear to ear, and her jaw dropped to the floor.

- Please tell me you felt that.- She was shocked, and a bit emotional even. But he didn't exactly knew what she meant, so he frowned a bit and chuckled.

- Felt what exactly?- Lim immediately looked at him with a bit of disbelief, she thought he was only joking around.

- You have to be kidding me right now..- She sighed and rolled her eyes when she realized that he wasn't fooling around.- Our little one kicked, but it was like hella hard! I can't believe that you didn't feel that.- She acted a bit dissapointed, but it was only to tease him.

- Oh really?- The smile on his face immediately appeared when she shared the news.- Damn it I wish I was joking though, I didn't felt a thing. It's probably beacuse the kicks aren't strong enough for me to feel them.- He kept smiling like a little kid in the candy stroke, as he leaned down and placed his lips on her stomach, leaving a soft kiss.- I can't wait to meet her..- He laid his hand on it.- Or him, as you always love to correct me.- He chuckled and looked into her dark eyes.

- I know..- She said quietly and began to play with his dark brown hair.- Me too, me too babe..- She sighed as she closed her eyes trying to finally relaxed, especially after the amount of terrifying pain she had been through today. The only thing she could wish for was a calm day, not only with Neil..but with their soon to come baby.


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