18| Listen to me.

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Audrey knocked on the door of Andrews office, while playing with her necklace as she was so scared that he'll fire her.

- Yes?- She heard Andrews ask when he put down the documents he was working on.

- Hi, can we talk?..- Audrey asked quietly as she walked in with the help of her cane.

- Dr.Lim, please have a sit.

- I'm okay..- She smiled gently but was even more nervous.

- Your behavior in the operating room was unacceptable.- He told her right of the bat.

- Seizures are not something I can control, you know that very well.- She was starting to get pissed off by his comments.

- I can't let you do surgeries anymore, I'm sorry.

- No you're not.- She sat while having tears in her eyes.- Shauns ASD is not something that he can control and you never threthened to fire him nor don't let him do surgeries.- That left Marcus speechless, and stare at his hands for a while when thinking what to say.- Oh and also, don't you dare say ever again that I chose my abuser to come here and threaten me with a knife, beacuse you never said those stuff to Dalisay.- Her voice was breaking with each word.- I'll do surgeries beacuse that's my job, I'm the chief of surgery Andrews. And in fact, I immediately stepped out of surgery and let Melendez take over just beacuse I felt weird, but maybe you rather that I have one while doing a surgery? Or you just want to fire me for any reason.- She was truly annoyed and stood up on her shaky legs while trying not to cry.

- Audrey.- He stopped her when she placed her hand on the handle.- You're right.

- I know I am. You're acting like I'm a child.- She stepped out of his office and closed the door, as she took a deep breath trying to get herself togheter. Audrey closed her eyes as the dizziness got worse for a quick second and went to the pathology department to pick up the blood tests results.

- Hey, I was on the neurological department a couple days ago.- She smiled at the new girl that was working there, but already knew her so it wasn't their first meet up.

- Uhh, wait I'll search for them okay?- She also smiled at her, and turned around to search the files.- Ah, there they are. Here you go.- The blonde hair girl smiled and gave Audrey the results.

- Thanks.- Lim headed to her office hoping that everything is just fine, but something was screaming on and off in her head. She sat down and started reading all of the results, and everything seemed perfectly fine, until.- Oh my fucking God..- The whisper was the only thing she could describe it, as she placed her hand over her mouth.- Shit, shit, shit, shit..- Her voice shaked, as she immediately hid the results. She had no idea what to do, nor how to say it to Neil, but she quickly realised she needed to shake herself off as she was paged for surgery, which defenetly made her surprised. Audrey grabbed her cane and wiped that one tear that rolled on her cheek, as she walked to the OR.

- What do we have here?- She asked Glassman as she was scrubing in. It was really unusual, cause she doesn't remember the last time she had a surgery with Aaron.

- 48 year old woman with severe head trauma, skull is completely fractured.

- How did she even survive?

- I have no idea. That's why I paged you to help me with the surgery.- Glassman started drilling into the scull quite litteraly, and realised something that completely ruined their plans.

- Brain is swollen. That's not good at all.- Audrey looked at the woman stats and held onto her cane more.- She's droping, we have to make a choice.- She gave her epinephrine hoping that it will stabilize her enough.

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