16 | Office.

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- What did you just say.- He said with a straight face looking Marcus deadly in the eyes. Melendez was really worried about Audrey, so he decided not to even think about this fuck up, and take care of her. The convulsious weren't stopping at all, and they were aware that it could last for minutes if not hours. Her eyes started just looking at the ceiling, but the jerking was still quite intense in her hips, it looked like she was aware, but not really.

- Should I get something to calm her down?- Reznick asked being visibly worried.- I never seen her in that severe seizure Neil.

- Get like 4 milligrams of Lorazepam so it doesn't knock her out.- He rubbed her head gently, cause we already know how much it calms her down.

- Okay.- She took a quick walk to the department. Her eyes were rapidly wondering up, from time to time with each convulsion.

- It's okay, you're okay I promise.- He took her surgical cap off so she feels more at ease. She closed her eyes for a couple of seconds, and the seizure stopped.- Shh..- He placed her head on his thighs. Lim started weakly looking around with tears in her eyes.- I know it's so scary sweetheart..- He rubbed her cheek.- I'm right there. I'll get you to my office so you can get a little bit of sleep okay baby?- She only noded her head.

- I've got it.- Morgan went in, but Melendez quickly told her that it's gladly over now.- Dr.Lim, are you in pain at any point?- Audrey only shook her head.

- I'll get her to my office so she can rest, can you get her a quick blood test just in case?

- Sure, no worries.- Melendez got Audrey on the wheelchair as it would be too weird to pick her up all the way to his office. He put her on the couch and covered her with a blanket.

- I'm so sorry baby, I'm filled with patients. Get a bit of sleep and I'll come back in some time alright?- He kissed her forehead, she knew he was there, but was too exhausted to react.

- Neil..- She whispered as she looked at him with visibly tired eyes.

- Yes mi amor?..- He knelt down to her, and saw tears rolling down her cheeks.

- I'm alright, please don't leave. I'll go back to work in a minute..

- Audrey..- He sighted.- You just had a tonic clonic seizure, I can't let you get back to work, at least not immediately after.

- I heard Andrews, he'll fire me..- She sat up.

- He won't fire you mi amor.- She was clearly panicking, she couldn't stay still and was playing with her hands.

- What if he will. I shouldn't do the surgery Neil..- She slowly turned unconscious as she litteraly fell at Melendez chest.

- Woah, woah, woah Audrey.- He immediately catched her. Sitting up and stressing out was the defenetly wrong choice. Neil opened the window so more air gets into the room, and laied her on the floor. He thought she only passed out from her body being exhausted beacuse of the seizure, but she in fact had another one of these. Melendez was getting more and more worried, she had no break from these nasty seizures whatsoever. Melendez paged to dr.Park immediately, so they can transfer her to the department. He knew Audrey will not like that, but she can't struggle that bad.

- Morgan, get dr.Lim the blood test. She had another seizure today, it's getting dangerous.- Alex stated to Morgan as they got Audrey onto the bed.

- Of course.- She went to get all of the supplies she needed.

- Uh, no fucking way.- Melendez was clearly annoyed when he checked his pager.- I need to do an asap surgery and guess who fucking paged me to do it.

- Let me guess, Andrews?- Alex gave Audrey some lorazepam so the last convulsions that she had in her body calms down.

- Exactly, Jesus why is he doing this to her.- He only rubbed her hand and ran to the OR once again.

- Hey..- Morgan kissed Park in the cheek as she walked in to get Lims blood tested.

- Hi there.- The sound of her voice made him smile.- Todays shift is rough huh?

- Yeah, not for me but..- She began the test.- I feel so sorry for her you know? She went through so much. When I got her into the CT she had three seizures in ten minutes Alex.- Even though she doesn't show it that much, she was clearly worried.

- Damn, should it be like that? Maybe wrong medication?

- Well, it's non-epileptic so it can happend even twice more than that, but I'll look at different medications cause..- She sighted only as she was finished with the blood labs.- I'll go give the blood to the lab, see you at lunch?

- Sure.- He gave her a small kiss on the lips and left with her.

Audrey started waking up and the pain in her eyes and temples was massive. She didn't remember a thing and everything seemed not real.

- Good morning Aud, how are you feeling?..- Morgan was changing her fluids as she woke up.

- Rough. I don't remember a single thing..- She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.- Where's Neil?- She looked around being super confused.

- He had to go to do an emergency surgery, sorry.- Reznick sat next to her and held her hand.- Can we talk about one thing?

- Sure, what's going on? Is there something wrong?

- Have you felt weird in these couple weeks? Any nauesea, head pains or something that kind?

- I had some temple pains, but I believe it's beacuse of my seizures. What's going on? Is the inflammation worse?- She started to worry.

- No, no, no don't worry. Your blood tests came back..- She was searching for the right words to tell her this.- Audrey you..- Morgan was just about to tell her the news when Melendez came in, which made Audrey smile immediately.

- You poor thing, how are you feeling mi amor?- He kissed her forehead.

- Like I've been hit by a huge truck. But otherwise good, well kind of.- She was so glad that he's back and can be next to her.

- How was the surgery dr.Melendez?- She sweared at Melendez in her mind, but tried to smile through it.

- Good, there was some complications through, but he's stable right now.

- I'll leave you guys alone, page me w
if you need anything.- She smiled and left the room.

- I'm so sorry Neil. Maybe I shouldn't do the surgery and it wouldn't happened.

- Oh don't say that guapa, it's not your fault that this happend. And what Andrews said was more than wrong, if he think that way he should fire Shaun beacuse of a condition he can't control, like what the fuck?

- Well, I guess I need to look out for a new job or something..

- No you don't cause he didn't fire you, I promise. And if he did I'll kick him right in the ass. You're the best surgeon I know.

- I'm not. Not with these seizures. If i was the best surgeon I would not walk out in during a procedure and spasm in the middle of the operating room hallway.

- You are Audrey, with or without them. We just need to find the right medication and they will be hardly even noticable.

- I love you.- His words made her so comfortable.

- I love you even more. What was Morgan talking about when I got back?

- Something about my blood tests results.- She fixed her hair behind her ears.

- I can get her here if you want to.- He rubbed his hand with his thumb.

- It's probably nothing, and I'll see them myself anyway, don't worry.- She kissed him with her stone cold lips.- You think I can go back to work or?..

- You better be joking. We'll wait till your fluids end and we will head back home okay?- She only sighted.

- Okay, okay.- He sat next to her and kept looking at her angelic looking face.

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