24 |A plan?..

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The first thing that Audrey did when she stepped into their house was stepping into the bathroom and quite immediately throwing up, as she was feeling so naseuos through out the whole way from work.

- You need help mi amor?- Neil knocked on the bathroom door quietly.

- I'm fine..- Her heart rate went crazy up as she stopped puking and got up from her knees. It wasn't a fantastic thing to go through everything day, but when she thought about their little baby all of the negatives went away.

- Damn you look like shit.- He joked and hugged her, and she only chuckled and showed him a middle finger while sitting on a chair to get her shoes off

- And I feel like it, and of course, Shaun was asking me questions for the whole day..- She sighted and hid her face in her hands as she felt so overstimulated after today.

- Babe, why didn't you tell me? I would tell him to shut the fuck up.- He poured her a glass of water and rubbed her back.

- It's okay, I just need to rest today cause..- Audrey only shaked her head as an expression to show how she feels, and took a sip of the water.- I'll go lay down for a while, my head is literally on fire.

- I can get you something for the pain and nausea, do you need anything else?

- Nah, I'm fine..- She laid down in their bedroom, and he gave her the medicine that was working the best for her.

- Take a nap babe, you'll feel a bit better. Well, let's at least hope.- He rubbed her stomach gently giving her a kiss on the forehead.

- I can only fall asleep when you're around, pleaseee?- She tilted her head. Of course he couldn't say no to that cute face.

- Oh alright, you know how to manipulate.- Neil chuckled and laid next to her, while trying to calm down her nauesa beacuse of her pregnancy with gentle rubbing on her abdomen.- She's really rough with you lately hm?

- Sweetheart, we don't even know if that's a girl. If he's a boy he's probably very mad at you right now.- She turned to him, resting on her hand while giggeling.

- Whoops, I didn't thought about that..- He chuckled and laid his head on her stomach.- Daddy loves you soooo much..- He chuckled.

- I don't think she or he will forgive you.- She smiled and played with his hair as he kept laying on her abdomen.

- I just can't wait anymoree, how are you so calm?- Neil chuckled.

- I'm not, that's the issue though. I am just a better poker player than you that's all.- Audrey was so tired after work that she started falling asleep quite immediately. Neil stayed with her till she went into deep sleep, covered her with a blanket and left her alone in the bedroom to realise a plan he was thinking about a lot for a couple of days. Since her birthday was in a less than a week, he was thinking and thinking about a perfect gift for her, even though he knew he wouldn't want to accept anything. It was just the way she was, but he found a perfect one, well he hoped so at least. Neil remembered about their conversation that was a few days ago, when she said that she would absolutely adore to visit Taiwan once again, and boom it immediately came to his mind. That's why, he sat on a couch in their living room with a beer in his hand and booked plane tickets to Taiwan, Taipei without hesitation. He knew that the relationship with her parents was bearly there, so he wanted her to focus on her own good and memories.

He knew she wasn't saying that to him, but for the last days she was really really stressed out about work and her pregnancy, which was quite reasonable, but he never saw her in that state to be honest. Neil wanted to do something nice for her, since she was nasueos recently every second of the day.

Audrey slept in a bit the next morning, 'cause all of the nasuea and dizziness made her feeling really off, but when she woke up everything seemed fine. Both her and Neil had a free day today so they could chill and don't think about work, even though in Audrey's case it was bearly managable, she's the most workaholic person Neil ever met.

- Morning mi amor.- He came into their bedroom with a smile on his face and a cup of coffee in his hand.- How are you feeling? A bit better at least?- He kissed her forehead and gave her the mug of warm coffee he made earlier.

- Yeah. I think I just needed to rest, and thank you.- She smiled back softly and took a small sip.- Any plans for today?

- Getting you off caffeine.- He chuckled and that definitely made Audrey giggle a little.

- Okay I can agree to that, but there's not a chance that I will give up my ducati don't even think about it.

- We'll think about that.- He smiled and rolled his eyes.- But I won't let our baby to grow to a caffine addict like you.- He sat on the bed and rubbed her hand a little, these little signs of physical touch and help was such a love language to the both of them.

- Excuse me? You drink even more coffee than I do.- She looked at him with teasing eyes.

- Yeah maybe, but you're pregnant and I'm not sooo..- He felt Audrey's hit on his arm.- Hey!- He laughed out loud.

- Whoops, these are the hormones talking sorry.- She rolled her eyes as a joke and walked downstairs. Neil went right behind her and it was visible that he wanted something from her, or tried to sugar coat her.

- Hooneeeyyyy..- He hugged her from behind and Audrey immediately realized he wants something.

- Oh God, what are you trying to convince me for now..- She chuckled and turned so she can see his face.

- Asher wanted to do a baby shower.- It made Audrey laugh immediately. It could end up fantastic or just horribly over the top. Both Audrey and Neil didn't want to do anything huge, just something cute for their close friends.

- Oh jeez..- Lim shaked her head and sighed. Neil wouldn't normally agree, but he had an adorable plan in his mind...


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