6 | Walking lessons.

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After a long five minutes of laying on the floor Audrey was feeling better, and better. Well, maybe not fantastic, but good enough to get off the floor.

- I won't force you to walk right now, just stay here okay? I'll quickly get the wheelchair.- The word wheelchair made her heart racing.

- No, I'll go on my own, really.- She tried to convince Morgan, but she knew it's never easy.

- You just had a seizure Audrey, I can't let you walk right after.

- You just told me that i have an inflamed nerves in my spinal chord and I swear to the fucking god if I end on the wheelchair again..- She was getting so stressed out.

- Audrey.- She came back to her and held both of her hands.- You won't. I know you're so worried, but I also know that you just need a bit of practice and medication and it will be all back to normal.

- But I..- She brushed her hand though her hair and hid her face in the same one, as she was slowly breaking down again. Her eyes started to get stingy, but she tried her best not to burst into crying.

- Look, you have me, Melendez, Claire and everyone around here that is so open to help you, I promise. I'll kick your ass so hard that you will be running in a matter of weeks.- She smiled a bit, but Audrey didn't change her thinking, she was terrified. Dr.Reznick only rubbed her shoulder and went to get the wheelchair. She came back and helped her to sit back on it, but the conversation between them wasn't so intimidating as before. Lim was upset at the CT result and couldn't get that information into her thinking.

- What took so long, is everything fine?- Melendez immediately stood up as he saw Audrey.

- Well..- Morgan sighted.- She had another tonic clonic after but that's not the issue really. The inflamed nerves in her spinal chord are. It's not really progressed but it needs to be calmed down with medication quite asap.- He was worried, but really sad for Audrey, he saw her face being emotionless.- I'll leave you guys alone..- She rubbed Audreys shoulder once again and left with the results in her hand.

- Oh baby..- His face became visibly sad as she saw Audrey bursting into tears. He knelt down to her and hugged her really tight and kissed her head at the same time not letting her go.- I'll be right next to you for the whole time, I promise conejito.- She couldn't stop crying, the more she realised she could be back at the wheelchair the worse she was feeling about everything.- Shh..- They sat like that for a really long time, mostly till Lim stopped crying, but it wasn't the easiest thing to do.

- I just feel so dissapointed..- She started to wipe the tears of her cheeks.- Everything that I've worked on has gone to waste, everything Neil.

- Don't you dare say that mi amor, never. You hear me?- He held her hands rubbing them with his thumbs.- I know you're so afraid of what will happens next, but there's nothing that medication and our walking lessons can't do mi amor.- Audrey face was a little shocked, but with a smile. Thank god.

- Walking lessons? Where the heck did you get that out of.

- My fabulous mind let's say, everyday after work, what do you think?- He finally saw her smile.

- I love you, and that would be amazing..- This time she kissed him in the lips, and he placed his hand on her face.

- I love you more, much more.- He helped her transfer to the bed, so she can rest after all of these seizures.- Wanna some coffee?- He sat right next to her, hold her hand.

- Not really, I'm still nauseous. I really want to go home baby..- She laied her head on the pillow that was behind her.

- I know, I'll ask Morgan when we can go okay? The seizures probably makes you feel like shit.- He rubbed her head.

- Even worse..- She rubbed her eyes, from tiredness.- I'm sorry you have to still being here, you're probably so exhausted.

- Not at all, I'd rather stay here with you and support you, than doing an all nighter operating Aud.- He laughed trying to cheer her up a bit.- I'll ask Morgan when we can get the fuck out of here, okay?

- Sure honey..- She smiled a bit, and closed her eyes that were so painful from the amount of how much they rolled back in convulsious today.- Since dr.Reznick was close to their room, he only had to take a couple steps out of the room to ask her.

- She said that we can go really, you just needs to take some meds for the inflammation, and please tell me when you feel seizurey okay?

- Neil, don't panic please.- She got up and kissed him gently.- I'll be alright, really.- He helped her to get on the wheelchair, and got out the iv out of her hand.

- Ready to go guapa?- He grabbed his phone.

- I think so, just don't do some hella crazy drifts.- She laughted looking at his face.

- Don't you like a bit of adrenaline?- He started speeding up and Audrey started laughing loudly.

- Don't you fucking dare.- She looked him deadly in the eyes.

- Okay, okay I won't, don't kill me.- He held her hand as they got in the cab, cause obviously they got to the hospital in a ambulance. He didn't even noticed that Audrey started to fall asleep on his shoulder.- How about..- The realisation cut him off as he stopped talking, he didn't wanted to wake her up, she was exhausted.
When they got to the apartment, he took her in his arms, but she didn't even wake up. Neil was feeling kinda gulity for staying at her place, but he wouldn't leave her alone after all of that. He laid her in the bed, and covered her with a comfy blanket.

- Holy shit..- He whispered to himself as he went out of the shower, everything was fucking crazy today. He started brushing his teeth, but something got caught in his eye. A small, shiny and sharp blade was laying on the counter. He held his breath, as he realised that it was still covered in blood. It was obvious to throw it away, and that's what he did. He rubbed his eyes as he thought about what Audrey must went through, and he wasn't there for her.

Before going to sleep on the coach, he quietly and slowly went into the bedroom, where Audrey was peacefully sleeping, and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

- Good night, mi amor..

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