Chapter 61 - Karma Is Paying Off

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I dropped out.

Wow, I can't believe I really did it.

It was a difficult decision, yeah, but I felt like it was the right thing to do. Well, is there anything else I could have done?

I don't think so.

Was this an impulsive decision?


But, regardless, I have no regrets at all. In fact, I was satisfied with the decision I made, probably one of the best as well. After all, what I told Mr. Duval was the truth anyway. I don't deserve to be where I am right now, and I don't deserve to graduate.

I still remember the look on his face when I told him I wanted to drop out of school. He was surprised and confused, but also disappointed. I didn't wait for him to respond or say anything, I just quickly left his office and never looked back.

Is it weird that rather than feeling worried about what others might think of me, I felt relieved? It was funny because I didn't care any bit what others would say about me. For sure this would come out, and no matter how I think about it, how it will affect my image, I just really don't care.

But of course I feel sad. Graduating high school was my ultimate goal. It's a huge accomplishment and a moment of pride. That was the reason I did what I had to do anyway. But knowing I did it the wrong way will just haunt me forever every time I look at my diploma.

Still, I feel really great, like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Wow! So, this is what it feels like to be a bigger, better person, huh? To take responsibility for my mistakes and learn from them. To do the right thing, even when it was difficult.

No regrets, just a lesson learned.

I wonder if Mr. Duval has already told my dad the news. I know he would be disappointed, but I hope somehow, he feels proud of me. After all, that's what he wanted me to be right? To be the best version of myself and down to earth. Hopefully he'll also see it that way.

Anyway, recalling all the things that have happened to me, I wonder how I absorbed everything in just one day! I confronted Troy, set things straight with Olivia, confessed my wrongdoing to Mr. Duval, and took responsibility for the consequences of my actions. I finally freed myself from all the pressure of the situation I was under and the guilt that weighed me down.

But then, why do I still feel something is missing? I feel that I haven't set things straight for everyone yet. I still have another person to deal with.


The question is, is there a need to be?

Like what he said, whatever I do, it won't change anything now. I think this is one of those situations in which you have to just let go and accept the situation as it is.

Bitter-sweet ending, I guess?

My contemplation was interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing, and I knew who it was. My friends. Calling to check up on me and make sure I was doing okay. Maybe they already heard what had happened and that's why they kept calling? I felt bad for not telling them about this. Knowing them, they would just stop me from doing it anyway. But this was the kind of decision I wanted to make for myself.

I wanted to ignore their non-stop calling, but at the same time, I didn't want them to worry too much about me. So I quickly sent a group message and told them I'd fill them in with the details tomorrow.

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