💜You Meet💜

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Tonight was the night is was Roosevelts high annual art fair.

this was the year you were gonna win sure you were really great, but you always came in second with Madeline around.

Over the past few months leading up to the art fair, you have found tons of robot parts laying around new York.

You ended up taking theses robot parts and made well a robot sculpture and painted a background for it.

As you were walking to the front door of the school you could feel a set of eyes watching you, but sense you lived in new York you knew better and went in side the school.

....[ After art fair].....

🎨"Yess "you giggled as you left the school with a blue ribbon in your hands .

You had finally got first place you were so excited that you ran all the way home to tell your mom.

On your way home you ran by a alley way and heard a voice.

Sadly your curiosity took over as you walked into the alley.

🎨"Hello "

💜"H-hey"said a shy voice.

🎨"Are you ok? "

💜"Yes why?" the voice asked a little less shy.

🎨"Well you sound kind of like a nice person to be hiding in the shadows of a alley "

💜"Well it's more of my appearance that's the problem then anything else "

🎨"I'm sure you look more presentable then most new Yorkers I've seen around here "

💜"Well ok ,but please just don't scream at my appearance "

🎨"I promise "

The next thing you knew a 6ft tall turtle with a purple mask with red/brown eyes was looking at you.

You stared a little not sure what to do till you saw the turtle nervously smile, and that's when you saw the most cutest gap tooth smile ever.

🎨"Do you have a name? "

💜"Yes it's Donatello ,but Donnie for short "

🎨"My names ( yn ) ,And by the way you look way better then most new Yorkers I've seen "you said with a smile.

What you said made Donnie smile and show that adorable gap.

💜"Um (yn) "

🎨"Yes Donnie "

💜"Your robot I kind of need to take it "he said nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

🎨"What why !?!? "

💜"Well the robot parts you made it out of well there made from the kranng and its still activated"

🎨"Is this bad ?"

💜"Yes "

🎨"Ok ,but as soon as you deactivate it you have to bring it right back ,ok "

💜"Ok, and if you don't mind I could help you make it work even better " Donnie said with a smile.

🎨"I would love that "you said with a smile.

💜"Well till next till then "

🎨"Till next time ,bye Donnie "

💜"Bye (yn)"

Donnie scenariosOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant