💜Plays With Your Hair💜

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You and Donnie were in your room, you asked Donnie to help you studie for a big test coming up.

You and Donnie have been studying all day and Donnie could tell it was getting to you.

💜"Ok (yn) What is the blue print to humans "

🎨"Uhhhh.. cells"

💜"No DNA"

🎨"Ahhhhhhh" you yelled in frustration.

💜"Ok were taking a break "

As soon as Donnie said that you rested your head on your desk.

After a few minutes you felt a light pulling coming from your head.

But you didn't care because it was really relaxing.

A few minutes later the pulling stopped.

🎨"Why did you stop "

💜"(Chuckle ) look in the mirror "

You walked over to your mirror and saw that your (h/c) was in what looked like a Katniss Everdeen braid.

🎨"Wow, Donnie this is "

💜"I- I'm sorry I just thought"Donnie said getting a little flustered but you stopped him.

🎨"It looks amazing, how did you know how to do this? "

💜"Thanks ,and a friend showed me "

🎨"Oh cool"

💜"So ready to study some more "

🎨"Can we just watch a movie instead "

💜"Sure what movie "

🎨"Hunger Games"

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