💜When He Hurts You💜

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You were on your way to the lair to see your sweet turtle Donnie as always.

As you walked into the lair you stopped right in your tracks something didn't seem right.

The air was filled with anger and other negative emotions something had happened and you wanted to know so you made your way to the lab .

As you opened the door a smile spread across your face as Donnie was at his desk experimenting.

You walked up to Donnie not sure what to say not wanting to make him mess up is experiment.

So you just cleared your throat hoping he heard you .

But Donnie didn't look up so you did it again and again but nothing so you got your self ready to do it again but was cut off .

💜"What do you want (yn) " Donnie said in a very dark voice .

You frowned 🎨" I was gonna ask you if.." you said but was cut off by Donnie again.

💜"No I'm not going to help you with your homework ,no I'm not going to tell you what I think about your stupid "art" projects " Donnie yelled raising his voice.

You were shocked and a little worried about Donnies out burst, but you stayed strong .

🎨"I wasn't going to ask you for help I was.."you said but were cut off by Donnie yet again.

Donnie slammed his fist on the table at the now purple liquid that was once yellow.

💜"Look, look what you made me do my experiment destroyed because you came in here with your weak and stupid self !!" Donnie yelled in out rage .

Tears fell from your (ec)🎨 " b-but Donnie I" you said reaching your hand out.

💜"Get out you ruin everything !!!" Donnie yelled and in the process he threw his failed experiment at you.

You covered your face as the glass hit your arm making you bleed while the liquid also burned your arm .

You cried out in pain and the door to the lab busted open with the guys rushing to your side.

Leo looked at you and saw the injury Donnie caused he quickly picked you up and took you to the dojo so he could take care of you.

Mikey and Raph looked at each other in worry and anger at there brothers actions.

❤️" what the shell Donnie! Just because your mad at me doesn't mean you take it out on your girlfriend!!" Raph shouted with his arms folded.

🧡"Yeah dude (yn)s the girl that loves you and your crazy experimenty invention stuff you do " Mikey sassed back.

❤️"As much as I hate to admit it Mikey's right .no matter how many times you messed up (yn) was the one that was always there for you , but after today I don't know if she'll ever forgive you " Raph said then walked out with Mikey not far behind .

Donnie now all alone looking around sees what he has done.

Donnie put his head in his hands filled with guilt and disgust at what he did to his little periodic blossom .

And with all but one question was on his mind was that if he was ever going to see you again.

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