💜You Text Him/Need To Talk💜

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You came home running with tears in your eyes.

When you got home you ran to your room and fell on your bed crying.

you remembered Donnie was coming over ,but you didn't want him to see you like this so you messaged him.

🎨"Hey Donnie"

💜"Hey (yn) are you back from school yet? "

🎨"Yeah ,and it's probably best you don't come over today "

💜"Why, are you ok ?"

🎨"Um, yes "


🎨"Donnie "

💜"I'm coming over weather you like it or not "

🎨"Donnie don't I'm fine "


5 minutes later you heard a knock on your window and you knew it was Donnie so you opened it.

💜"(Yn) What's wrong "

🎨"Is it bad that I want to be normal ?" you sniffed looking at the ground.

💜"What do you mean by normal ?" Donnie asked while lifting your chin to see your eyes.

🎨"At school we got are art tests back ,and I was the only One who passed, and my art teacher decided to tell everyone in class. so all day people have been calling me names ,and throwing mean notes at me all day because I'm the only one who passed" you said with tears in your (E/C) eyes.

Donnie didn't like to see you cry so he hugged you ,and rested his head on top of yours.

💜" (yn) I know it's hard when your really smart and creative .People are mean to you about it (Sigh) ,but those people who make fun of you they're the people who don't appreciate your gift ,but what's most important is that you love what you have no matter what "

🎨"(Sniff) thanks Donnie what you said actually helped alot "you said while hugging him.

💜"Glad I could help out a fellow creative mind"

Donnie scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now