Wow it was him...

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(Roxy's POV)

"Mom I need you!" Jason yelled as I walked inside his room.

"Whats up honey?" I asked him as he was hanging out with Jerome.

"Why do you live with only guys?" Jason asked as I looked at Jerome.

"They are our family hon." I kissed his forehead. Yes I am a mom and Preston and I are married and Jason is our 4 year old son. I love Preston even if we get into fights we always forgive each other. Today is the day when the team and sidemen come back to visit.

"HEY WHAT UP BITCHES!!?!?!" JJ yelled as I heard the front door open.

"We have a four year old son upstairs and you don't care?" I ask as he shook his head. I rolled my eyes and hug them.

"So long we haven't been here. Are you gonna bring Jason to PAX this year?" Simon asked as I nodded and he punched the air.

"And you been here last year so its wasn't that long." I said as the big Jason ran threw the crowd to the small Jason.

"How is my little astronaut?" Jason asked Jason and he picked him up and started to run around the house with him. They had so much fun together.

"So when are we going?" I asked as they looked at each other.

"Whenever you want. We really don't care and we still need to pack for PAX." Preston said as he kissed me and went upstairs.

Well this is my life now and I having a lot of fun. Mitch and Jerome got married and they adopted a little girl, her name is Natalie. Jason and Anna got married and they have twins. Their names are Taylor and Cody. Adam and Alesa got married and they are about to have a boy named Tyler. Nastya and Simon got married TOO and they have triplets. Their names are Jake, Kelsey, and Jack.

We all never age so this will never end. The entire world knows about us never age so they call us the heroes. I see Kelsey or the woman in white from my dreams almost every day and she is like a mom to me. She loves me more than anyone else did.

All of our fans love us like they never did and they call me the beauty queen since I never age and I still look beautiful. I love all of my fans and they love me. I got married three years ago and we got Jason a day after the wedding. He had beautiful blue eyes and natural blue hair. He was our powers too but he won't age only at the age of 20. We don't use our powers but I only used them ones and it was for catching a girl from falling off a tree.

Are we heroes? Yes.
Are we famous? Yes.
Do you have a normal life? Yes we do. We don't want anyone to pay us money to be popular. We all just want to be normal like we are now.

"So are you ready?" Preston asks as he looks at my bag. I nod and grab my backpack and we walk down the stairs. Jason was still playing with Jason and the rest of the kids were running around chasing Mitch and Jerome. I love them all.

"Ok so everyone let's go!" JJ yells and everyone leaves the house. This is every year tradition. We are the family. We get in fights but we always forgive each other. We are normal humans and we will always be. Our powers never stops us.

Hope you liked my little story about Roxy! A new story is coming out and it's probably the second book of this.

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