You Are Out Of Control Mr. Spock

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Spock turns when he smells the beautifully sweet scent of osmanthus, camellia and Lagerstroemia (Crepe Myrtle) he turns and growls "I told you you're not going down there!"  Anansa replies "I don't care what your order is I'm not letting you go down there alone! besides your girlfriend can take care of Van Gelder"  he sighs then turns back around and continues on his way to the Transporter Room Bones chuckles at the fact that not only did Spock not comment on Anansa calling Christine his girlfriend but that she had done so without saying the nurses name.... it took the officers quite awhile to get through the Force Field of the Tantalus Penal Colony but once they do both Anansa and Spock beam down once they are within the colony Spock says "Christine is not my girlfriend!"  Anansa replies with a small smirk "that was a very human response you just made Mr. Spock"  she says he looks at her with a raised eyebrow though it is true it was a very human response "we'll blame the Mind Meld"  she says he rolls his eyes she chuckles he smiles she walks away from him and he frowns.... a few minutes later Anansa finds the Neural Neutralizer Room and sees that not only is the machine on but Doctor Adams is dead she turns the machine off and whispers to herself "well now we know that I was right and Simon couldn't have done this to himself!"  then she contacts Spock through her Communicator to let him know what she had found and Spock along with Kirk, Noel and Bones enter the room a minute or so later once they were inside she leaves to go help the Security Team and Spock watches her walk away with sad eyes....

Anansa beams down to Starbase 11 with Spock, Kirk and Bones and they are greeted by Julie Piper who works in the Operations Division of the Starbase who says "welcome to Starbase 11, Captain the Commodore's waiting to see you, he's curious why you suddenly changed course and came here"  Kirk replies "we received a Subspace Message asking us to divert here immediately"  she says "this Base sent no message, Captain"  then she walks away Kirk looks at Spock then with a smirk follows Miss Piper and the other three follow him they are taken to see Commodore José I. Mendez who says to Kirk "you know, Jim I just don't understand this"  Kirk replies "Mr. Spock received a Transmission from this Starbase a message from the former Commander of the Enterprise, Fleet Captain Pike"  Mendez says "impossible"  Anansa teases "I think he just wanted me to be able to see and feel the sun again!"  both men chuckle "if my First Officer states that he received a Transmission...."  Kirk says to Mendez who replies "Jim, I'm not doubting anyone's word"  Kirk says "José I...."  Anansa asks "not to step on anyone's toes but.... may we see him?!"  she looks at Bones and whispers "I used that correctly right!?!"  Bones chuckles as José replies with a smile "of course"  then he takes the four of them to the Medical Section of the Starbase and when they reach the ICU José asks Kirk "you ever met Chris Pike?"  Kirk replies "we met we he was promoted to Fleet Captain"  José says "about your age, a big handsome man, vital, active"  Kirk replies "I took over the Enterprise from him, and Spock served with him for several years"  Spock says "11 years 4 months, 5 days"  Bones asks "what's his problem, Commodore?"  José replies "Inspection tour of a Cadet Vessel, old class J Starship one of the Baffle Plates ruptured"  Bones asks "the Delta Rays?"  José nods then says "he went in, bringing out all those kids that were still alive"  Anansa teases "what is it with you Captain's and always trying to play hero!?!"  José, Bones and Kirk chuckle José opens the door to the room Pike was in and see him sitting in a wheelchair that covers half his body staring out the window "did you know that even the men think you're handsome Christopher!?! I never really saw it but apparently even they swoon over you!"  Anansa teases with a smile Pike's wheelchair slowly moves turning towards the sound of her voice and they see that his face now has a large burn mark/scar along the side of it from his forehead to his chin "Captain, you remember these gentlemen, and lady they wanted to visit you"  José says as he walks over to where Pike is a yellow light on Pike's wheelchair flashes twice though Pike's eyes never leave Anansa "two flashes mean no though with the way he's staring at you and responded to your voice I'd say he remembers you Yeoman"  José says "it's the tails!"  Anansa teases he chuckles then says to Pike "I thought you might make an exception for them"  the yellow light flashes twice once more from the moment she saw Pike Anansa was grateful she couldn't read minds and for some reason can't read her friends emotions either it was like he was blocking her from doing so to save her from the pain he must feel or perhaps the emptiness that now resides within him José walks over to where Kirk and his crew stand and says "I'm sorry, gentlemen, and lady"  Anansa looks at Kirk and says softly "he's not going to want your pity James just a promise that you'll take good care of his ship"  he nods with a smile "Captain Pike, may I remain for a moment?"  Spock asks the yellow light on Pike's wheelchair blinks once Anansa slides her knuckles over Spock's then follows the other men out of the room she stops when she hears Spock say "I'd like you to stay as well Yeoman"....

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