🌎Earth Girls Are Easy👧🏼

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This Chapter also has some "major" time skips it starts with my version of the end of  Space Seed (season 1 episode 22) then goes to Season 1 Episode 24 This Side of Paradise then jumps to Season 1 Episode 29 Operation Annihilate which is the last episode of the season

Khan and McGivers do indeed work together to help Khan not only wake up what is left of his people but take over the ship Anansa walks into the room that Khan was holding her friends trying to get them to be just as cooperative as McGivers just as one of his guys walks towards Uhura she strides towards him and growls dangerously "don't you touch her!"  she punches him in the face knocking him out which surprises Khan who didn't expect anyone on the ship to be strong enough to harm him or his people "you weak, pathetically useless girl!"  Anansa growls as her eyes meet a now frightened McGivers "how quickly your loyalties change!"  she says as she lays her foot on the guy she had knocked out as he begins to wake up she adds enough pressure to keep him down but not harm him Khan takes a step towards her and sees her move her foot towards his guys neck "one more step and I snap it!"  she says as she adds pressure to the guys neck and Khan hears him chock for air "as a matter of fact I will kill every last one of your minions.... who would you have to rule over then!?!.... other than McGivers and I'll tell you right now she's not all that worth it!"  Khan smiles at her he frowns when she says "especially since the rest of us know where our loyalties lie and it isn't with you!.... oh and by the way James Tiberius Kirk is no longer in your little pressure cooker I do wish you good luck in finding him though!"  he says "my vessel was useless...."  she replies "I don't care about your vessel, your people or you! your so called reign is over and it's about time you got over it! we've treated you with kindness you treated us like we're pieces on a chess board! we are not yours to conquer! no one in any universe is! you will not win this so called war, you will never be a king nor a god, perhaps you should teach yourself how to be humble not a overbearing ass!"  he smiles "would you like to see who is in you pressure cooker!?"  she asks as she walks over to the console and turns on the viewing screen and he sees his own men inside the inside the Medical Decompression Chamber which was on it's highest setting.... or so Khan thinks.... and his guys were suffocating in it then she heads back over to the unconscious minion and placed her foot back on his neck"now how did they get in there!?!"  she asks sarcastically he storms over to her and she snaps the guy who was under her foot's neck then she ends up in a short fight with Khan and knocks him down on his ass with a few swift moves "I guess you're not as enhanced as you were lead to believe huh Khan!? especially if a "dainty little thing" like me can take you and your slaves down that easily"  she asks he wipes the blood from his lips with the back of his sleeve and chuckles "I do wonder just how long they will survive in there I mean the space is so small!"  she says he stands up and comes at her once more "I have trained myself in every fighting style from Vulcan to Klingon you only know Earth's and as I have proven you will never best me none of your people will so give up before I choose my next target and I think I'll choose McGivers"  she tells him he stops with a shocked expression on his face "anyone that weak doesn't deserve to live right!?"  she asks he growls "oh I see you like them weak! we'll I can assure you that will never be me! I will never allow anyone to control any part of my life or my body! but do please try again, I dare you!"  she says he doesn't move "you really are a coward aren't you!?!"  she asks he becomes angry and tries to attack her again she cartwheels out of the way then contortions her body so that he's put in a triangle chokehold without getting to close to his body and lets him go once she feels him become unconscious "who knew she was that flexible!?!"  Bones whispers softly with a surprised tone "Spock does"  Anansa says winking at Uhura who chuckles Spock raises a eyebrow at her and Scotty laughs Bones shakes his head with a small corner smile just then the guy she snapped the neck of with her feet wakes up "you can let your husbands slaves out now Marla"  Anansa says looking over at the historian who quickly stands up and rushes out of the room possibly frightened Anansa may still keep her word and kill her "oh and I may have tinkered with the controls of your Chamber B.... I'll fix it later yes they're unconscious but only because I used a really high sedative on them they should be waking up soon"  Anansa says looking at Bones who chuckles "as I've pointed out doctor I'm a peaceful loving creature not a killer, tormenting is a little fun though"  she says he raises his eyebrow at her she rolls her eyes at him and he chuckles Kirk walks into the room Anansa looks at him and says "Earth girls really are easy aren't they Captian!?"  he bursts out laughing "I'll leave the large red heap on the floor for you and Spock to take care of shall I!?"  she asks "please do!"  he replies with a smile she nods then looks at the rest of Khan's people and says "behave yourselves or you'll end up like your master or worse for I have very little patience for those who consider themselves better than another being no matter who they are!"  then she walks out of the room she stops at the doorway and says "oh and if I may make a suggestion Captain.... place them in a uninhibitedly cruel planet you know one that matches Khan's lack of personality I'd love to see if they survive it"  then she continues on her way out of the room and Spock looks at her departing figure with a raised eyebrow "she truly is a intriguing woman!"  Kirk mutters to himself with a smirk....

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