Don't You Just Love Happy Endings!?!😍

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Commodore José Mendez started to wonder how a tape so detailed was made of the voyage but he couldn't get a definite answer from Spock and tried to get the video taken off the Record but Kirk wanted to see more especially after finding out that Pike was in that particular video so José allowed the tape to played once more "as I stated, gentlemen, this was 13 years ago we were on Routine Patrol when the ships sensors detected something ahead at first, we were not certain what it was"  Spock says as they watch the video once more Anansa who was standing beside Pike whispers with a teasing tone "I'm telling you Christopher I just don't see why people are so enamored by you! perhaps I'm just not that into Captain's as everyone else is!"  if he could chuckle he would but she has yet to heal his voice box she does however open his wheelchair so that the healed parts of him could wiggle and breathe while everyone watches the tape in the dark she of course had to close it back up when José ordered the video to be stopped once more and the lights turn back on when the screen turns off however she doesn't close it all the way just enough to make it look like he was still locked within it Spock who watched her every move raises a eyebrow "Mr. Spock, I'm truly amazed at your technical prowess in somehow manufacturing all this I congratulate you on your imagination but this is a Court of Space Law, not a theatre"  José says as he stands up out of his chair and walks over to where Spock sits "Vulcans have a imagination!?! who knew!"  Anansa teasingly whispers Kirk chuckles she looks at Pike and says "I'm betting they're really big on Shakespeare!"  Kirk bursts out laughing José turns and looks at her then says "I don't see how this is a joke Yeoman!"  she replies "and I understand your lack of patience Commodore but sometimes it's good to start at the beginning before reaching the end, learn how they got there and why they were sent there, WHO was the true cause for them being there to begin with I know it's tedious and slow but perhaps you should wait it out and allow it to persevere before passing judgement, what do you think Christopher?!"  the yellow light on Pike's wheelchair blinks once Anansa looks at Kirk who smirks at her then says "I would like to continue as well"  José sighs then says as he returns to his seat and sits down "very well screen on"  Scotty turns the video on once more and it shows when the Enterprise finally reached the planet and when they first beamed down to it "so that's Vina huh!?"  Anansa whispers Pike nods a very small nod "a promise made is a promise kept Christopher but they have to allow me as well"  she whispers he nods once more.... they soon find out that the so called videos are actually coming from Talos IV which is in Violation of Starfleet General Orders and by order of Starfleet Command Kirk is relieved from duty and José is placed in charge of the Enterprise and he is to disable the Enterprise if necessary to prevent further contact with the planet once Uhura finishes reading off the Fleet Signal Message through the com José says to Spock "Mr. Spock, you're aware the orders regarding any contact with Talos IV you have deliberately invited the death penalty you've not only finished yourself, Spock, but you've finished your Captain as well"  Spock stands up and walks over to where Kirk and José sit as he says "the Commodore must be aware that Captian Kirk knew nothing of this"  José replies "and you're aware that a Captain is responsible for everything that occurs on his ship I order you to return this vessel back to manual control"  Spock looks at Kirk who stares back at him Spock looks past José at Anansa who smiles at him and he says "Sir.... I respectfully decline"  José replies "very well you've earned the consequences this court is in recess"  then he turns in his chair, stands up and walks out of the room Anansa looks at Spock who nods at her and she along with Bones and Scotty push Pike out of the room.... Spock was somewhat surprised to see that Anansa was in his quarters when he was taken back to them "until you are completely Court Marshalled I am still your Yeomen and I'm quite hard to get rid of!"  she tells him he says "I'm glad you're here"  she says "it's best that you rest even if you don't fall asleep at least try to rest"  he nods then walks over to his bed and lays down then gets woken up to the feel of gentle finger tips sliding along his hairline a few minutes later "Court is back in session"  Anansa tells him he nods then stands up and walks out of his quarters with her not too far behind.... when the Hearing is once again convened those who were a part of it were "forced" to continue to watch the video since the Talosians were "in control" of it and they see how Pike met the Talosians and why they had captured him "gosh she's a horrible actress!"  Anansa whispers as she watches Vina try to get Pike to follow her while wearing a Princess dress she sits on the edge of Pike's wheelchair and starts combing her fingers through his hair lulling him to sleep she moves off his wheelchair once the lights turn back on "who is she? why have they stopped the images?"  José asks "because they know that Captain Pike is fatigued we can reconvene later"  Spock replies as he stands before the table José and Kirk sit at "then they care about the Captain"  Kirk says "they want him back alive, Sir"  Spock replies as Pike starts to wake up "I demand to know why"  José says "good things come to those who wait"  Anansa replies he looks at her "patience is a virtue!?!"  she says with a playfully confused tone Kirk chuckles "a smart man could figure it out on his own but I suppose you'll just have to be patient and wait till the Talosians decide to let you know what.... if you were truly paying attention you could have figured out on your own"  she says then she leads Pike out of the room Spock smiles at her departing figure "your Yeoman is quite a nuisance"  José mutters Kirk chuckles then says "we rather enjoy having her around"....

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